Page 2 - CARILEC Tariff Report Dec 2023
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        The CARILEC Secretariat is pleased to present the CARILEC Tariff Survey for December 2023. This survey is conducted at least once

        per quarter of each year. The type of data collected is reviewed on a periodic basis. As requested by CARILEC members, the December
        2023 edition of the CARILEC Tariff Survey includes for the first time an additional overview of customer satisfaction surveys conducted
        and if affordability of electricity rates within these surveys is assessed.

        CARILEC Secretariat wishes to express its gratitude to all the Chief Executive Officers/Managing Directors, Commercial and Financial
        Officers,  and  all  the  other  relevant  personnel  of  the  participating  utilities  for  making  time  to  compile  and  provide  the  requisite
        information despite their busy schedule.

        CARILEC will continue to strive to improve on the quality, accuracy and consistency of the content of this report thereby enhancing its
        value to our members and other stakeholders of the Caribbean electric utility industry. CARILEC members are invited to send feedback
        and recommendations regarding the survey questions, available or additional data to [email protected].

        We would like to also take this opportunity to encourage member utilities to participate in the survey, and to urge members to respond
        to the questionnaire in a timely manner to facilitate the timely completion of the report. A consistently high level of participation of
        members will allow a more representative assessment and presentation of trends and developments of energy sales and energy demand

        between the different surveys in the future.

        Kindly be informed that the Tariff Survey Reports are for internal use only and shall not be shared, in whole or in part, with third parties.
        When citing results of the CARILEC Tariff Report, only general (average, total, min., max. values) data shall be provided, along with
        the citation. Individual country results shall only be provided anonymously without making reference to respective utilities or their

        Thank you and we look forward to your continued participation in this very meaningful activity.

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