Page 15 - CARILEC Electricity Tariff - December 2014
P. 15


                                         Primary Energy Source (Installed Capacity - MW)              Total Installed
         Name of Utility
                              Fossil Fuel    Renewable Energy     Natural Gas           Other         Capacity (MW)
             APUA                122               0.78                -                  -               122.78
         AQUALECTRA              150                37                 -                  -                187
              BEC               500.16               -                 -                  -               500.16
              BEL                42.1              68.58              N/A                50               160.68
            BELCO               167.4                -                 -                  -               167.4
             BLPC               239.7               6.4                -                  -               246.1
             BVIEC               39                  -                 -                  -                 39
              CUC               131.65               -                 -                  -               131.65
           DOMLEC                20.1              6.64                -                  -               26.74
            FORTIS               76                  -                 -                  -                 76
             GBPC                98                  -                 -                  -                 98
           GRENLEC              52.24              0.18                -                  -               52.32
             JPSCO              832.66             70.12               -                  -               902.78
           LUCELEC               89.5                -                 -                  -                89.5
             MUL                 6.4                 -                 -                  -                6.4
            NVGEBE               84                  -                 -                  -                 84
            SKELEC               44.1               0.7                -                  -               44.80
             TTEC                21                  -               2347                 -                2368
            VIWAPA              321.4               4                  -                  -               325.4

                   BEL  -  50MW  in  “Other”  represents  energy  produced  in  Mexico  under  Power  Purchasing  Agreement  with  Comisión  Federal  de
                   Electricidad (CFE)

                   Grenlec - In addition there are private interconnected Renewables Energy systems of 0.68 MW total.

                                              Table 7: CUSTOMER COMPOSITION

                              Domestic /
         Name Of Utility                      Commercial (%)     Industrial (%)      Others (%)     Total (%)
                            Residential (%)
             APUA                90.5               7.4               0.1                2.0               100
         AQUALECTRA              89.5              10.1               0.3                0.1               100
              BEC               82.45              14.49              0.01              3.05               100
              BEL               79.18              20.68              0.01              0.13               100
             BELCO               42                 15                43                  -                100
             BLPC                33                 52                13                 1                 100
             BVIEC              85.89              13.95              0.15              0.01               100
              CUC               85.25              14.30                                0.45               100
            DOMLEC              87.56              11.47              0.12              0.85               100
            FORTIS               85                 15                 -                  -                100
             GBPC                30                 35                31                 4                 100
           GRENLEC              86.75              13.15              0.08              0.02               100
             JPSCO              89.37              10.26              0.31              0.06               100
           LUCELEC               33.4              57.9               5.4                3.3               100

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