Page 10 - CE_Industral_Journal_Jan2008
P. 10

A Novel Approach for Ground Fault Detection

        The position argument keeps track of the temporal   oped for the wavelet based system examines overlapping
        change in current harmonics which is essential to the   windows of the current at different scales and details
        high impedance ground fault detection and the scale   via a wavelet transform. Although proper detection can
        change keeps track of bands of frequencies of the   be accomplished using more than a single scale, ex-
        current load. Both position and scale are continuous,   perimental testing indicated that the energy component
        therefore the above transform is not suited for compu-  of the seventh detail signal carries the most significant in-
        tation. A discrete version of the transform is needed   formation that is more distinguishable from other normal
        which is given by,                                  arcing loads or normal non-linear loads. The additional
                                                            preprocessing needed is a FFT to render the current with
                                                            all its random delay components position
                                                            The seventh detail signal obtained via wavelet decom-
                                                            position corresponds to the frequency range between
        where, k, m and n are all integers.
                                                            the second and fifth harmonic. The importance of the
                                                            proposed detection scheme is in considering the third,
        The above transform is implemented by multi resolu-  fourth, and fifth harmonic as well as the in-between
        tion analysis where the signal is decomposed into a   harmonics frequencies as a block of features for high
        low pass and a high pass component via two sepa-    impedance ground fault detection. Furthermore, the tem-
        rate low pass and high pass filters known as wavelet   poral change in high impedance ground fault currents
        decomposition filters. After filtering, both low pass and   is accounted for in the temporal change of the seventh
        high pass signals are down sampled by a factor of 2.   detail signal.
        The high pass signal component corresponds to the
        first detail look of the signal. The second detail look
        can be obtained by further decomposition of the cur-
        rent low pass signal into two new low pass and high
        pass components. The third, fourth, etc. detail signals
        can be obtained by further decomposition of subse-
        quent low pass components.
        The original signal can be reconstructed with minimal
        error from its low pass and high pass components in a
        reverse pyramidal manner. It is in these high pass com-
        ponents where distinct features for high impedance
        ground fault can be located and distinguished from
        signatures of other non-linear loads of transient and
        arcing in nature. The decomposition filters are associ-
        ated with the type of mother wavelet used.

                            Figure 4. Wavelet based high
                            impedance fault detection
                            Most of the exemplary tests of
                            this technique were conducted
                            using the Daubechies-4 wavelet
                            which is not a very smooth
                            wavelet but requires less
                            computation time. Use of other
                            wavelets or other Daubechies
                            wavelets did not show any no-
                            ticeable change in performance
                            nor in the threshold parameters
                            The detection algorithm devel-
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