The Jamaica Public Service Company Limited
The Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) is seeking qualified offers from manufacturers or authorized manufacturer’s representatives to supply the company with Pole Mounted Transformers.
JPS is an integrated electric utility company, and the sole distributor of electricity in Jamaica. The Company is engaged in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity, and also purchases power from a number of independent power producers (IPPs).
JPS serves approximately 585,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers, through a workforce of close of 1,500 employees and a network of offices throughout the island. The Company owns and operates 4 power stations, 8 hydroelectric plants, 1Wind Park, 43 Substations, and approximately 14, 000 kilometers of distribution and transmission lines. The total installed generating capacity is 789 MW. The company owns 80%, or 621.0 MW of this capacity. The remaining 168 MW is owned by Independent Power Producers (IPP’s). The company also manages and operates the transmission and distribution system.
Click below to access the RFP and supporting documents. The deadline for submission of bids is Eastern Standard Time (EST) 11:59pm on Thursday April 11, 2024.
Pole Mounted Transformer with EG Cabinet Specification
JPS Specification 6939-S-16 – 2016 Pole Mounted Single Phase Distributio…