Caribbean Electric Industry Journal

The Caribbean Electric is a bi-annual online trade journal offering an up-close view of the dynamic energy landscape of the Caribbean through the lens and expert analysis of Caribbean electric utility industry practitioners and specialists.

These perspectives unfold in the ferment of long-range experience, new ideas, research and discovery, innovation and emerging technologies shaping the Caribbean agenda for sustainable energy.

The journal caters to industry insiders –governmental and corporate decision-makers, utility operators, vendors, industry professionals and workers, journalists, researchers, sustainable development professionals and career seekers.

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CARILEC welcomes for consideration papers on issues and developments relevant to the Caribbean electric utility industry value chain. Papers /articles must offer a

CARILEC’s membership profile consists of over 130 members, including electric utilities, Independent Power Producers (IPP), manufacturers, suppliers and stakeholders in the Caribbean Region, South and Central America and globally.


The CE Journal is distributed across CARILEC’s membership via electronic newsletters, CARILEC’s website, and social media platforms. This translates into a readership base of approximately 32,000. CARILEC enjoys affiliations with global brands in the energy sector across the globe which extends the reach and visibility of the journal.

Advertising in the CE Industry Journal is easy. Simply fill out the advertising contract to select your preferred ad dimensions.


Send the completed advertising contract to [email protected] and copied to [email protected]. Adverts must be sent in high resolution jpeg or pdf format.

Deadline for submission of advertising contracts is November 30, 2024. Payment for advertising can be made via credit card, wire/bank transfers or cheque payments.


Click here to download advertising contract.

Submit An Article

CARILEC welcomes for consideration papers on issues and developments relevant to the Caribbean electric utility industry value chain. Papers /articles must offer a fresh and innovative perspective to current issues from previously published content.
The articles may be reviews, tutorials, analyses with supporting data or facts, case studies, research results of in-depth surveys or technological advances, and must be written in an engaging, informative manner.

Recommended Topics For Article Submission

Utility of the Future

  • Technologies and best practices for smart and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI).
  • Innovative and efficient solutions for customer billing and customer management.
  • International best-practices and experiences for alternative energy services (energy management, energy efficiency, e-mobility, or distributed energy supply) including benefits for utilities and key success factors.
  • Integrated digital solutions for power generation, transmission and distribution in the Caribbean.


Fuel Price Development in the Caribbean power sector

  • Impact of current fuel price development on customer liquidity, energy prices and affordability (including socio-economic and socio-cultural impacts).
  • Impact of current fuel price development on electricity demand and consumption patterns
  • Technologies to increase fuel efficiency in power generation.
  • Technology and implementation mechanisms to increase energy efficiency for generation, transmission, and distribution as well as on the demand-side.
  • Recommendations and examples for cost-efficient fuel procurement.


Increasing the Share of Intermittent Renewable Energies (RE) in the Caribbean

  • Status quo and trends in “state of the art” RE technologies such as solar PV, wind, hydro, and geothermal power and bioenergy.
  • Innovative RE technologies suitable for the Caribbean such as marine RE, offshore wind and PV etc.
  • Innovative technology solutions for generation forecasting, balancing, flexible generation, storage, etc.
  • Update on costs for RE generation (globally) and comparison with Caribbean context and reality.
  • Best-practices and experiences regarding related regulatory frameworks, grid management and project development


E-Mobility and the Future Role of Utilities and Network Operators

  • Benefits, challenges, success factors, best-practices, and suitable models for e-mobility in the Caribbean.
  • Business-models for utilities to provide energy services for e-mobility.
  • Utilization of e-mobility infrastructure for RE expansion and integration of intermittent RE (technology solutions, best-practices, international experiences, and recommendations for the Caribbean).
  • EV-charging: Suitable standards and technologies for the Caribbean and how they differ


Emergency Response and Grid Restoration

  • Best-practices and lessons learnt from previous (responses to) natural and climate disasters and heavy weather events.
  • Outlook on occurrence and impact of future climate hazards and natural disasters in the Caribbean.
  • Utility planning strategies for faster grid restoration after natural disasters
  • Utilizing smart grid technologies to minimize interruptions from extreme weather events.
  • Building-back-better: Technology solutions, examples and recommendations for future disaster response and restoration.


Solutions, Challenges and Recommendations on Cybersecurity

  • Digital solutions, best-practices and lessons learnt around the topic of Cybersecurity.
  • Developing a robust organizational security policy for ITC.
  • Developing effective grid security strategies and procedures for growing smart grid technologies

Writers may also opt to select any other relevant topic that observes case-studies, or addresses a solution, or challenge for the Caribbean power sector.

Papers in the Caribbean Electric (CE) Journal are read by engineers, managers, technicians, administrators, regulators, investors and policy makers whose interests usually extend well beyond their own specialties. Submissions must be accessible to the non-specialist reader as well as the expert. They should always contain adequate background and tutorial information.

Article Submission

  • Indicate your interest in submitting an article to the Industry Journal by October 31, 2024. To do so, send an email to [email protected], copied to [email protected] with your name, company, title of your article and a short synopsis of what the article will cover.
  • Submissions for the Caribbean Electric Journal should be 1000 –3000 words, 1-5 pages in length and written in English.
  • All submissions should be shared in MS Word, and PDF Format.
  • Any supporting images should be attached as high-resolution jpeg, or png files.
  • A copy of the submission, complete with original illustrations, should be submitted to [email protected] and copied to [email protected].

Disclaimer for Submissions

  • By submitting any content (including but not limited to articles, research papers, reviews, or other written material) to the Caribbean Electric Journal, the author(s) affirm that:
  • The submission is the original work of the author(s) and does not contain any plagiarized material from other sources without appropriate citation and permission.
  • If the work includes content from other authors or sources, it must be properly credited in accordance with standard academic and professional practices. It is the responsibility of the author, not CARILEC, to determine whether publication of the material requires the prior consent of other parties and, if so, to obtain it.
  • The author(s) take full responsibility for any claims of plagiarism or intellectual property infringement that may arise from their submission.
  • The Caribbean Electric Journal reserves the right to use plagiarism detection tools and processes to ensure the originality of submitted content.
  • Submissions found to be plagiarized, or containing insufficiently credited material, will be disqualified from publication, and the author(s) may be barred from future submissions to the journal.
  • By submitting their work, the author(s) agree to these terms and conditions and confirm that the submission adheres to the ethical guidelines outlined by the Caribbean Electric Journal.


The CARILEC Industry Journal was first published in 2006, catering to the needs of the Caribbean Electricity sector. The Industry Journal has now been rebranded under the name Caribbean Electric, to better align with the new strategic direction of Corporation. Caribbean Electric Industry Journal (CE) is the definitive resource on topical issues, developments, trends and opportunities relevant to the electric utility industry value chain in the region.

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