Page 36 - Annual Report 2017
P. 36

For the year ended December 31 , 2017
                                                                                 (expressed in United States Dollars)

                                                                                      2017          2016
                                                                                         $             $
                  Cash flows from operating activities

                  Surplus for the year                                              270,737        123,658
                  Adjustments for:
                      Depreciation (Note 9 and 10)                                   59,139        60,650
                      Interest expense (Note  16)
                      Interest income (Note 16)                                     (20,457)      (23,244)

                  Operating surplus before working capital  changes                 309,419        161,064

                      Increase in trade and other receivables                      (126,775)        14,790
                      Decrease in other cu rrent assets                               4,047         9,998
                      Increase in trade and other payables                           74,715        135,336

                  Cash generated fram  operations                                   261,406        321,188
                      Interest paid
                      Interest received                                              20,457        23,244
                  Net cash  provided by operating activities                        281 ,863       344,432

                  Cash flows from investing activities
                  Increase in investment securities                                 (20,984)    (2,132,420)
                  Redemption of investments                                                      1,976,922
                  Purch"e of property and equipment (Note 9)                        (21 ,057)     (74,948)

                  Net cash  used  in investing activities                           (42,041)      (230,446)

                  Cash flows from financing activities

                  Increase in disasterfund reserve                                 (122,869)       (9,634)
                  Net cash  used in fi nancing activities                          (122,869)       (9,634)

                  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                         116,953        104,352
                  Cash and cash  equivalents, beginning of year                     707,669        603,317

                  Cash and cash equivalents, end of ye.r (Note 5)                   824,622        707,669
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