Page 27 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 27

KARMOL’s 125,000 cbm Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (“FSRU”) en route to Dakar from Singapore - where it was
                     built – in order to supply re-gasified LNG to the existing Powership, other power plants as well as to the local industry.

                   diverted in other sectors that are in need such as   Powership start supplying base-load power to the
                   healthcare, education or infrastructure.       grid within a sensational time frame of only 58 days
                     Rather than going down this rocky path, Cuba took   after contract signing.
                   a leap of faith and decided to contract Powerships to     By that time, Senegal was already suffering from
                   supply immediate, reliable and economic electricity.   the poor performance of existing diesel generation
                   Within  a  couple  of  months  after  the  contract   which was causing extremely high generation costs,
                   signature, 3 Powerships (1 X 36 MW and 2 X 79 MW)   and coal power plants which couldn’t cope with any
                   were deployed to Cuba by Karpowership and started   intermittent renewable generation assets. Moreover,
                   their  seamless  operations,  supplying  base-load   this generation had negative spillover effects for the
                   power. After the arrival of Powerships in Cuba, the   environment.
                   island’s grid has been stabilized like never before and     However, the addition of a 225 MW combined-
                   black-outs are prevented through Powerships’ unique   cycle, dual-fuel Powership not only brought the
                   load  following  capability.  Moreover,  Powerships   average electricity costs down, but also established
                   have started to become fully dispatched as they are   reliable generation. The Powership was strategically
                   the cheapest source of thermal electricity in Cuba’s   located close to the city center, a place completely
                   dispatch profile. Thanks to the existing reliable and   occupied by buildings where it was not possible
                   dispatchable generation via Powerships, existing   to build any land-based power generation
                   renewables are utilized in a more efficient way and   infrastructure, but also a perfect location to transmit
                   further importantly now, new renewable generation   the power to different parts of the capital city Dakar
                   projects in Cuba are on their way.             and even to other neighboring cities.
                     A similar success story was also observed in the     The Powership in Dakar operated on HFO for a
                   West African Country, Senegal. As the country was   temporary time and now is planning to switch to
                   suffering  from  a  lack  of  generation  capacity  as   LNG once KARMOL’s newly built 125,000 cbm FSRU
                   well as underperformance of existing capacity, the   “KARMOL LNGT Powership Africa” arrives - which
                   ultimate solution was brought via a Powership, but   is on its way from Singapore to Dakar at the time
                   this time with a further added value, the introduction   of writing this Article. Senegalese authorities also
                   of  an  LNG  supply  chain  into  the  country.  Thanks   plan to switch their existing 90 MW Bel-Air power
                   to having readily available Powership assets in its   plant to natural gas and procure the LNG that will
                   fleet, Karpowership managed to deliver its 225 MW   be supplied by the FSRU. Once this great switch to

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