Page 26 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 26

3 Powerships totaling up to 194 MW are in operation in Port Mariel, Cuba.

               ICRE technology based Powerships performs better   having flexible & dispatchable generation assets and
               than  large-scale  gas  turbines.  Whereas  even  the   being able to integrate more renewable generation
               fastest gas turbines reach 30 % load after 7 minutes   into the generation mix. Concerning the base-
               of start time and take up to 30 minutes to reach full   load generation assets, trusting fast-response and
               output (under hot start conditions), Powerships’   flexible solutions such as medium-speed internal
               engines  have  ultra-quick  start  capability  that  can   combustion reciprocating engine technology over
               reach 100% load under 7 minutes.               large-scale CCGT or coal enables utilizing more
                 Powerships with internal combustion reciprocating   renewable sources, faster. The reason for this is
               engines have modular units and can operate with   simple. Reciprocating engines triumph over others
               a stellar performance of 98% availability level even   because they have a huge competitive advantage:
               with ongoing maintenance. There is no need to shut   they can perfectly cope with any and all intermittency
               down the whole plant during a major overhaul or   problems caused by the renewables.
               during regular maintenances, whereas single large
               unit  technologies  like  gas  turbines  are  required   CASE STUDIES: POWERSHIPS
               to have a total shut down during major overhauls   IN CUBA AND SENEGAL
               and maintenance. Therefore, Powerships utilizing   Powerships have proved  their  success  in many
               multiple generation units provide versatility whilst   different geographies including projects in the
               maintaining plant efficiencies.                Caribbean, such as the Port of Mariel in Cuba. When
                 Modularity of the units and partial load capability   Cuba decided to bring in additional generation
               of Powerships enable adaptation to a wide range of   capacity,  there  were  several  options.  Building  a
               demand profiles while maintaining high efficiency.   land-based power plant would take a minimum of
               This  flexibility  means  that  a  short  start-up  time   3 to 5 years including all project finance, designing,
               or frequent starts-stops have no negative impact   construction and commissioning stages, that will
               on  operation  or  maintenance  schedule.  With  all   eventually  create  a  big  environmental  impact
               the modularity and the flexibility, Powerships   problem especially during the construction stage
               can do seamless load following, enabling the grid   of  the  project.  On  top  of  that,  the  unserved  cost
               to  accommodate  a  large  volume  of  intermittent   of  electricity  until  the  power  supplied  from  new
               renewable energy technologies.                 generation became online would translate into tens
                 There  is  a  strong  positive  correlation  between   of millions of US Dollars, which could eventually be

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