Page 16 - CARILEC CE Journal Nov 21
P. 16

Although the risk of high fuel prices can be
               mitigated with RE, there would be a new risk of   Hedging is one strategy commonly
               low or intermittent resource availability. This can,   used to address this uncertainty
               however, be managed by informed placement of
               the RE systems or by using energy storage, which   and gain greater control over fuel
               has already been implemented in islands such as   costs. However, due to its complex
               Barbados, Jamaica, and Bermuda. Battery energy   nature, some utilities choose not
               storage not only mitigates the intermittency of   to hedge, leaving their customers
               RE,  but  also  supports  more  efficient  dispatch  of   exposed to the volatility of the fuel
               generators by replacing some amount of spinning   market through the fuel surcharge
               reserves, resulting in even more fuel and cost
               savings. The predictable and minimal operation &   mechanism.
               maintenance costs over the lifetime of an RE project
               means that some additional cost stability is also
               achieved. With the utility’s increased control over   will be helpful in ensuring that this type of distributed
               their costs, customers are able to benefit from more   generation is effective in reducing fuel costs and
               stable electricity pricing.                    providing resilience, however this topic requires a
                                                              deeper analysis than is presented here.
               In addition to the possible benefit of reduced risk
               complexity, RE has the advantage of reducing   CONCLUSION
               emissions associated with power generation.    TO RECAP:
               These emissions are known contributors to      •  Hedging  is  a  complex  strategy  used  by  some
               negative externalities such as climate change and     utilities as a means of avoiding high market fuel
               environmental pollution, the costly effects of which     prices.
               include damage from severe weather events and   •  Renewable energy can be an alternative method of
               degraded population health. The main question     avoiding high fuel costs and can result in significant
               now is whether the trade-offs between traditional     savings for a utility.
               hedging and RE are significant enough to make the   •  There is a trade-off between the risks of hedging
               latter a better form of protection from high market     and the risks associated with RE projects, however
               prices of fuel.                                  the latter also provides sustainability and
                                                                resilience benefits.
               An important variable in the discussion of RE’s use   •  In terms of risk management, IPP-owned projects
               as a hedge for fuel price volatility is the ownership of     are analogous to outsourced hedging, while utility-
               the power system – mainly whether it is owned by an     owned projects can be viewed in a similar light as
               independent power producer (IPP) or the utility. If an     in-house hedging.
               IPP owns the system and an agreement is made with
               the utility for electricity provision, then the IPP takes   For utilities, hedging brings the benefits of high fuel
               on the risks associated with the RE project while the   cost avoidance and increased price stability. Investing
               utility simply pays them. This is akin to outsourcing   in RE can also reap these benefits along with the
               the hedging to an external organization. On the other   advantages of cleaner power generation, increased
               hand, if the utility owns the system, then it must   resilience, and greater energy independence. The
               assume and mitigate the risks, similar to carrying   costs may just be worth it.
               out traditional hedging themselves.
               Customer-owned distributed generation can also be   “Decision: The Barbados Light & Power Company Limited Application for Approval
               helpful in lowering fuel costs, as well as strengthening   to Implement a Fuel Hedging Programme and to Apply the Results and Costs of
               the operation of the grid. However, this type of   Hedging to the Calculation of the Fuel Clause Adjustment.” 2021. Barbados Fair
               scheme has many factors to consider,  including   Trading Commission.
               whether systems are grid-tied or standalone, and
               the costs associated with the installation of more   Louisy, Trevor. 2011. “Energised: LUCELEC Monthly Newsletter.” LUCELEC, August
               robust infrastructure at several points throughout   2011. 1 - 11 -
               the grid. The implementation of informed policies   Hedging and Renewable Policy V2.2.pdf.

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