Page 19 - CARILEC CE Journal Nov 21
P. 19

Wärtsilä’s recently signed contract in the Caribbean showcases the company’s
                   capabilities  in  combining  flexible  power  generation  assets  with  energy
                   storage for grid management – precisely the combination needed in today’s
                   electricity markets.

                            ssuring  electricity  supplies  on  a  small   fuel that Wärtsilä commissioned two years ago. Not
                            tropical island is all about using imported   only did VIWAPA need more capacity to meet its peak
                            fuel wisely and having contingency plans   demand, but it also needed a flexible solution to kick
                   A in place for when something goes wrong,      in  and  provide  electricity  when  older  generation
                   which  it  often  does,  given  the  annual  parade  of   assets were unavailable.
                   hurricanes; or with other less predictable human
                   events such as a household adding intermittent PV   Moreover, given that all fuel to the island is imported,
                   solar rooftop generation or a vehicle hitting a pole   the existing system needed to operate as efficiently
                   and causing a short circuit event in the grid. It can   as possible in order to reduce fuel costs and, as a
                   be a tricky balancing act between cost and reliability.  result, the cost of electricity. The utility did not want
                                                                  to be reliant on a single fuel and required that the
                   St. Thomas, in the U.S. Virgin Islands, is about to   new power plant be capable of switching seamlessly
                   receive a more fuel-efficient, flexible, and reliable   between diesel and liquid propane gas (LPG) – a less
                   power supply, thanks to a contract signed in June   polluting option. This multi-fuel capability will help
                   2020 between its utility, Virgin Islands Water and
                   Power Authority (VIWAPA), and Wärtsilä.

                   Wärtsilä is to provide a smart control system – its
                   GEMS Energy Management Platform – to optimise   St. Thomas, in the U.S. Virgin
                   the entire island’s electricity generation, along with a   Islands, is about to receive a more
                   hybrid plant comprised of a multi-fuel 36 MW engine   fuel-efficient, flexible, and reliable
                   power plant and a 9 MW/18 MWh energy storage   power supply, thanks to a contract
                   system (ESS). This new hybrid plant will be located at
                   the existing Randolph Harley Power Plant.      signed in June 2020 between its
                                                                  utility, Virgin Islands Water and
                   In addition to being Wärtsilä’s first engine/hybrid   Power Authority (VIWAPA), and
                   power plant sale, this will also be the first installation
                   utilising the Wärtsilä 32LG engine – a flexible, multi-  Wärtsilä.
                   fuel engine, capable of operating with hydrocarbons
                   in  the  range  from  propane  to  LFO,  or  carbon
                   number C3 to C20 – a landmark in the company’s
                   development of engine solutions.               the utility hedge fuel price volatility in the future.
                                                                  To  make  the  most  of  the  island’s  fuel  storage
                   The hybrid plant will be delivered via an Engineering,   capacities, the multi-fuel engines were specified to
                   Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract.   give the utility more flexibility and ultimately reduce
                                                                  the chances of being affected by shortages in either
                   The project dovetails neatly with Wärtsilä’s energy   fuel type. VIWAPA wanted the fuel changeover to
                   vision, which envisages the need for more flexible   be  seamless,  a  feature  not  often  available  from
                   capacity,  with  energy  storage,  in  adapting  to  a   competing technologies.
                   renewable energy future.
                                                                  ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM
                   FLEXIBILITY SUPPORTING RELIABILITY             As  well  as  ensuring  that  generation  capacity  is
                   The  engines,  energy  storage  and  control  system   increased,  Wärtsilä  is  also  supplying  an  energy
                   package for VIWAPA will improve the reliability of   storage solution and energy management system in
                   the energy supply, a challenge encountered in recent   the form of GEMS software controls and the GridSolv
                   years. The utility has various generation assets on   Max solution plus inverters, which will provide 9 MW
                   the island, including some ageing gas turbines, as   of essential spinning reserve, frequency response
                   well as newly installed engines running on propane   and black-start capabilities.

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