Page 53 - CARILEC CE Journal Nov 21
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                                                         AUTHOR BIOS

                                        Niebert  Blair is  the  Capacity              Dr. Krumdieck studied
                                        Building Advisor for the 11th                 Mechanical    and
                                        European Development Fund                     Aerospace Engineering
                                        (EDF) Technical Assistance                    at  UC  Boulder,  and
                                        Programme for Sustainable                     worked on wind turbine
                                        Energy in the Caribbean                       control systems and
                                        (TAPSEC) where she coordinates                solar system testing
                                        the  implementation  of  the                  and  certification.  She
                       TAPSEC  Component  2:  Information and  Capacity               earned a Masters
                       Building. She supports the CARIFORM regional and   Degree  in  Mechanical  Engineering  in  1989  at
                       international exchange on specific solutions, focusing   Arizona  State  University  in  the  field  of  Energy
                       primarily on issues related to the application of   Systems Engineering.  After working as an energy
                       innovative technologies, financing models and   consultant  she  was a  contract  researcher  for
                       regulatory  mechanisms  to  Renewable  Energy  and   NREL characterizing the combustion of biomass
                       Energy Efficiency sectors within the CARIFORUM. Dr.   derived oil.  She earned the PhD from University of
                       Blair advises on the implementation of the Long-range   Colorado at Boulder in 1999 in high temperature
                       Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) regional   materials for energy systems and fuel cells.
                       training, CXC virtual Teacher training workshops,      Dr. Krumdieck joined the Mechanical Engineering
                       Sustainable Energy Training & Train-the-Trainer   Department at the University of Canterbury in
                       Programme, and the Regional Universities Network   2000 to pursue her interests in energy systems
                       (RUN). In addition, Dr. Blair renders support to the   and sustainability. Susan received a prestigious
                       regional  institutions  (CROSQ,  CARICOM  Secretariat,   RSNZ  Marsden  Fund  Research  Grant  in  2003.
                       CARILEC, CDB, CDF and CCREEE) in implementing the   She is a member of the Royal Society and was
                       Regional Energy Apprenticeship Programme (REAP).    appointed a member of the RSNZ Energy Panel in
                          She holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from   2005. She serves on the board of ASPONZ and on
                       the University of Canterbury, New Zealand and   the UC Vice Chancellor’s Sustainability Committee.
                       a  MPhil  in  Industrial  Systems  Manufacture  and   She is also a founding member of NERI and serves
                       Management  from  the  University  of  Cambridge,   on the NERI Management Committee.
                       United  Kingdom.  Dr.  Blair  has  experience  in  the       Susan’s energy research focuses on innovations
                       power utility and manufacturing entities working on   aimed at continuity of human activities and
                       design, implementation, and management. She has   wellbeing within the constraints of environment
                       developed power engineering systems utilizing various   and  resource availability.   The work  aims  to
                       energy sources such as Solar, Wind, Hydro, Natural   develop sustainability metrics, engineering
                       Gas, Geothermal and Heavy fuel oil.          fundamentals for low-fossil energy systems, and
                                                                    bridging technologies and control systems to
                                                                    manage the transition to sustainable systems.
                                        Dirk  John  Pons  is  the   This is a truly innovative approach with new ideas
                                        Associate Professor at the   receiving acclaim at international meetings and
                                        University  of  Canterbury   conferences. She has a good record of attracting
                                        in New Zealand. He holds    funding for her novel research ideas, garnering
                                        a PhD (Eng), MScMedicine,   more than $2.5 million NZD in research funding to
                                        M.Leadership, BScEng(Mech),  date.  She has published 55 peer reviewed papers,
                                        Fellow Engineering NZ (IPENZ),  has three patents, and has been an invited
                                        Tohunga Wetepanga, Chrtrd.  keynote speaker at more than 40 workshops,
                       Prof. Eng (CPEng, NZ), International Professional  conferences and seminars in the past four years.
                       Engineer  (Int.  PE.  EngNZ).  Visit  here  to  learn  more   She also has a large group of research students
                       about Dr. Pons.                              (10 PhD’s currently) and two brilliant children.

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