Page 48 - CARILEC CE Journal Nov 21
P. 48

and  equality,  electric  utility,  health,  education,   A  set  of  values  were  identified  using  inductive
               communication  and  products  and  services.  The   reasoning, and these were validated by holding a
               result is a methodology that balances community   3-day community workshop to acquire a collective
               capacities with the economics of development goals.   response and validation of findings. These values, or
               This is illustrated with a case study.         categories thereof, we refer to as ’ballasts’.

               2. Materials and Methods                       Also, quantitative data were collected in the form
                                                              of  the  energy  potentials  in  the  area,  and  survey
                                                              information on willingness to pay. A comparative
               2.1. Research objective                        analysis  approach  was  used  for  the  latter.  Ethics
               The objective was to develop a conceptual framework   approval  was  obtained  from  the  University  of
               whereby  the  sociological  values  of  indigenous   Canterbury (HEC 2017/40).
               communities are better included in electrification
               decision-making.                               The  idea  of  balance  between  the  values  was  a
                                                              strong  theme  that  emerged  from  the  discussion
               2.2. Approach                                  with the indigenous people. Hence, we developed
               The first stage was to understand the world views   a  conceptual  framework  to  integrate  them  –  the
               of rural indigenous communities, and extract their   sustainability  ballast  framework.  The  conceptual
               values regrading electrification. This was achieved   underpinning  is  that  these  various  categories  of
               using a grounded theory approach. This involved   value need to be balanced. The participants were
               the first author spending time in a rural indigenous   asked to prioritise the ballasts, which was used to
               community, listening to their needs and collecting   derive  numerical  weights  of  importance  for  each
               qualitative  data  (N=30  to  40  participants).  An   ballast. The number of individual participants was
               unstructured  interview  process  was  applied.  The   N=28. A composite index was then constructed. This
               community under study was Kabakabura, Guyana.  was informed by guideline in [18].

                    Figure 1. The ballast theory of sustainability requires that the eight social ballasts and the utility infrastructure
                     remain in the safe range above subsistence, but not overshooting prosperity by incurring unmanageable debt.

                 18. Commission, J.R.C.E.; others. Handbook on constructing composite indicators: methodology and user guide; OECD publishing, 2008.

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