Theme: Promoting Diversity in the Workplace
In recent times, there has been unwavering advocacy for greater diversity in the workplace, as organisations are being legally challenged for their lack of inclusivity. This has prompted many corporations spanning several sectors, to implement hierarchical and operational changes to ensure their workplaces are adequately diversified. Consequently, it is important to understand the legal impact of such organisational change.
Also of notable legal interest is that Caribbean electric and telecommunications utilities and energy affiliated organisations are constantly subject to emerging governance and regulatory limitations. More so, in the realm of renewable energy; utilities and energy affiliated organisations need to keep abreast on amendments to existing and the introduction of new legislation. In telecommunications, data protection and cyber security laws are of particular concern to utilities, as there is a high risk associated with the protection of customer and sensitive information. Not to mention, utilities need to protect their coveted information on critical network and grid operations.
Over a two (2) day period, the Corporate Secretaries’ and Legal Officers’ Seminar, under the theme, “Promoting Diversity in the Workplace” will provide highly beneficial information and expertise on how organisations can effectively diversify their workforce through company policies and legal procedures, which are geared towards inclusivity, diversification, and the elimination of all prejudices. The seminar will also address the topics of risk identification, assessment and management, the impact of disruptive technologies on operations, stakeholder management, and the evolution of the role of corporate secretary from an administrative function, to more of a strategic and advisory role. The attendance of this seminar is a must for legal officers within the utilities and other supporting regional organisations, given the increased call for workplace diversity and inclusivity. Finally, the seminar will also address the topic of governance of Utilities in turbulent times, given that legal matters are constantly arising with rapid changes to the technological, industrial, and political landscapes. The Corporate Secretaries’ and Legal Officers’ Seminar offers a prime opportunity for legal officers to acquire the most relevant information to efficiently navigate the legal field.
For further information on how to be part of this event as a registrant, speaker or sponsor contact our Marketing and Member Services Department at [email protected]. This symposium is targeted towards corporate secretaries, legal officers, and utility counsel in the electricity and energy industry, regional and international law firms, and academic institutions.
*All-access pass for members.
*All-access pass for non-members excluding member exclusive events.