Page 2 - CARILEC Electricity Tariff - December 2018
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        The CARILEC Secretariat is pleased to present the CARILEC Tariff Survey for December 2018. This survey will be conducted at

        least once per quarter of each year. The type of data collected will be reviewed on a periodic basis.

        CARILEC  Secretariat  wishes  to  express  its  gratitude  to  all  the  Chief  Executive  Officers/Managing  Directors,  Commercial  and
        Financial  Officers,  and  all  the  other  relevant  personnel  of  the  participating  utilities  for  making  time  to  compile  and  provide  the
        requisite information despite their busy schedule.

        CARILEC will continue to strive to improve on the quality, accuracy and consistency of the content of this report thereby enhancing
        its value to our members and other stakeholders of the Caribbean electric utility industry.

        We would like to also take this opportunity to encourage member utilities to participate in the survey, and to urge members to respond
        to the questionnaire in a timely manner so as to facilitate the timely completion of the report.

        Thank you and we look forward to your continued participation in this very meaningful activity.
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