Page 18 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 18

Also, most, if not all port facilities in the Caribbean   as well as developers, utilities and policymakers who
               have significant limitations on the size and amount   understand that renewable energy is intermittent.
               of  equipment  they  can  handle.    The  volume  of   The existing electricity infrastructure needs to be
               photovoltaic panels,  but perhaps more importantly,   maintained while more renewable energy is brought
               the sheer size of wind towers, transformers, and   online through large-scale installations, distributed
               blades, being imported for a site can exceed the   generation, microgrids, and energy storage.  And,
               limits of what many ports can accommodate.     it  is  critically  important  to  get  the  economics  of
                                                              this transformation “right.”  Otherwise, it becomes
               SIMPLIFY PERMITTING                            a  simple  wealth  transfer  without  meaningful  or
               Project permitting crosses the jurisdictional areas   equitable advancement of creating aligned market
               of overlapping ministries  and parishes, including   forces resulting in lasting change.
               departments of energy, utilities, environment, and     Accommodating and integrating more renewable
               labor. Few countries boast of a “one-stop shop” to   systems  reliably,  safely,  and  affordably  requires
               permit a project. Multiple government and regulatory   due diligence and prudence to avoid electricity
               offices are involved, each with their individual   rate  increases.  It’s  a  long-term  strategy  requiring
               timeframes and requirements that often overlap.   cooperation between stable government policies,
               Coordinating with several ministries to review,   flexible  utilities,  competent  regulatory  bodies,
               process and approve renewable site permits, designs   thoughtful and well-informed electricity consumers,
               and licenses adds more time, administration, and   responsible investors, and credible development
               expense to the projects. Streamlining procedures   partners to design, develop and deliver renewable
               would help improve efficiency immensely.
                                                              energy projects as promised.
               Banks, investors, and multilateral organizations have      ABOUT WRB ENERGY
               universally-required mandates, terms, securities and
               covenants that can be misunderstood in negotiations                     Robert Blenker
               with governments, utilities and regulators. For                         is President and
               example,  the  “waiver  of  sovereign  immunity”  is                    CEO of WRB
               sometimes interpreted as an insult to Caribbean                         Energy. WRB
               sovereignty, rather than seen as a standard                             Energy develops
               commercial  contracting  convention.    Again,  the                     renewable energy
               policies and processes need to be clearly defined and                   projects to help
               as transparent as possible to avoid misunderstanding                    stabilize electricity
               of project terms and requirements.                                      prices and reduce
                                                                   dependence on imported fuels to drive
               INVEST IN SKILLED LABOR AND TRAINING                economic growth and sustainability in Latin
               In the Caribbean, there is limited (but growing) local   America and the Caribbean. WRB Energy
               renewable energy technical expertise and experience.   manages the entire project lifecycle including
               It’s difficult to find local EPC and O&M contractors to   site selection, design, permitting, financing,
               construct and oversee operations of a renewable site.   construction and operation. WRB Energy’s
               Bringing in contractors from other countries can be   parent company, WRB Enterprises, has more
               expensive.  WRB  Energy  has  invested  substantially   than a half-century of operational experience
               in hiring and training local resources to develop   in the energy, utilities and financial sectors.
                                                                   For more information about WRB Energy,
               and manage projects, relying on overseas technical   please visit
               experts for only specialized or unique, one-off inputs.
               HARNESS A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE                        © 2021 WRB Energy. All rights reserved
               We foresee a bright future for renewables in the
               Caribbean.  We  believe  in  thoughtful,  respectful
               policy  and  regulatory  reform  based  on  facts  and
               economic analysis.  We applaud nations that are
               sharing and learning best practices from each other,

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