Page 21 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 21

THE CARIBBEAN: CRYSTAL CLEAR WATERS,          storage  solutions  is  an  option;  however,  current
                   SUNNY SKIES AND SUPER EXPENSIVE               battery storage technology is not yet technically and
                   ELECTRICITY PRICES                            economically viable for coping fully with intermittency
                   The  Caribbean  has  the  world’s  most  beautiful   problems inherent in renewables, especially at the
                   beaches with golden sands, crystal clear waters,   utility scale, to ensure reliable and timely supply of
                   an  amazing  cuisine  and  a  vibrant  atmosphere   electricity. Additionally, most of the available large-
                   that attracts millions of visitors each year. Yet, this   scale renewable sources cannot serve as base-
                   paradise is subject to extremely high electricity prices.   load  power  sources  since  they  come  with  critical
                   The region has approximately 220 days of sunshine   intermittency problems: solar and wind generation
                   a year – excellent conditions for solar PV plants to   are not available when the sun is not shining or when
                   generate electricity. It is located within a corridor   the wind is not blowing. Similarly, hydro comes with
                   between North and South America, neighbouring   unpredictable seasonality issues.
                   the Atlantic Ocean. The region is exposed to strong     Energy  providers  and  utilities  must  plan for
                   and consistent winds all through the year, signifying   and address the above-mentioned intermittency
                   a great potential for the implementation of wind   problems and therefore, lack of reliability. Any new
                   turbines. Moreover, almost all Caribbean islands   generation  capacity  should  bring  diversity  to  the
                   (including all Central American countries) are filled   existing energy baseline  of  the country to  ensure
                   with piping, hot lava coming from the core of   security of supply, along with important aspects such
                   the earth, giving access to abundant sources for   as reliability, efficiency, and affordability. Caribbean
                   geothermal energy. Then why can’t the region have   and  Latin  American  countries  should  pursue  and
                   access to affordable and reliable electricity despite   establish a diversified energy portfolio that consists of
                   the availability of natural resources providing   a reasonable mix of energy sources. However, when
                   opportunities for renewables? Let’s try to find out:  structuring the baseload energy assets of a country,
                     The Caribbean has made some progress on     reliability, availability, efficiency, and cost are the most
                   the  path  towards  renewables.  Where  the  total   significant factors.
                   installed capacity in the Caribbean was 2.3 GW in
                   2015, this number has increased to 3.4 GW within   WHAT IS A POWERSHIP?
                   5  years,  thanks  to  the  cooperation  of  Caribbean   Powerships are floating power supply solutions
                   governmental bodies and utilities, as well as the   equipped with a medium-speed Internal Combustion
                   global ambition for investing in renewables within   Reciprocating Engine (“ICRE”) technology, that provides
                   the  Caribbean.  While  a  significant  and  important   a completely self-contained utility-sized power plant
                   portion of new generation capacity additions are   with no need for extensive, permanent on-shore
                   formed by renewable energy technologies, most   infrastructure. They have the added advantage of
                   generation sources are thermal based (generation   fuel flexibility through dual-fuel technology that allows
                   types which use derivatives of coal, oil and gas as
                   fuels), with a variety of technologies such as mobile
                   or large-scale gas turbines, diesel generation sets,
                   and others. Furthermore, mainly due to being
                   island nations, the Caribbean region has one of the
                   world’s highest regional electricity prices  with an
                   approximate average of 34 USCents/kWh. [1]
                     Renewable generation assets provide cleaner
                   generation solutions and undoubtedly their
                   implementation should be supported for a cleaner
                   and  greener  future.  However,  the  pathway  to  a
                   climate-neutral electricity sector is long and bumpy
                   and requires thorough planning and preparation,
                   innovative measures, capital and investments in new
                   grid and storage technologies. The power generated   79 MW Powership Esra Sultan, en route from
                   through renewable sources must be dispatched      Karmarine Shipyard in Istanbul to her destination
                   and consumed at the same time. Utilizing battery        in Port Mariel, Cuba back in 2019.

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