Page 24 - CARILEC CE Journal Nov 21
P. 24

Diversity and inclusion are in Canada's DNA. The Climate Ventures team fast-tracks
                            early-stage innovators developing and implementing solutions to the climate crisis.

               Canada - a huge, snow-covered country full of polar   Canada and the Caribbean can continue supporting
               bears and moose. What could it possibly have in   each other in addressing these challenges.
               common with the Caribbean, known for beautiful
               beaches, coral reefs, and coconut groves? Looking   The close collaboration between Canada and the
               beyond these stereotypes, there are more similarities   Caribbean in the Renewable Energy drive is evident
               than you may think, particularly since both regions   in the development of projects across the region,
               are now on a journey of energy transition, working   including solar installations, battery energy storage
               to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and move   systems,  microgrids,  energy  efficiency  programs,
               to cleaner energy systems.                     automation of substations, bioenergy projects, and
                                                              efficient  street  lighting,  to  name  just  a  few.  This
               Canada  has  an  economy  which  has  historically   proves that there is continuous leverage of the best
               been reliant on natural resources, with oil and gas   of the Caribbean Energy potential and local industry,
               extraction  and  mining  playing  major  roles.  While   and  the  technology  and  expertise  of  Canadian
               Canada  is  working  hard  to  decarbonize  these   partners.
               industries,  which  is  key  to  the  global  transition
               to clean energy, there is a real threat of stranded
               assets  against  changing  global  trends.  Likewise,
               the Caribbean, which depends heavily on fossil fuel   “Canada has given the cleantech industry
               imports, is conscious of the volatility of that market   a great environment to experiment,
               and the urgent need to transition to low carbon and   discover, and grow. We have an amazing
               renewable energy.                              pool of talent and innovators, along with
                                                              the investment to accelerate solutions.
               Electrical utilities in the Caribbean and in Canada are   However, great ideas need to be shared, and
               facing ubiquitous challenges in their transition from   we have a generation of companies now
               centralized,  carbon-heavy  grids  to  decentralized,   with proven products and services that can
               renewable systems. How should intermittent supply   be adapted across the world. I’m excited for
               be managed? How should multiple energy sources be   the future of our cleantech companies and
               brought to the grid and their use optimized? How can   am confident we’ll see their solutions make
               efficiency be fostered, both in demand and supply?   an impact globally.”
               How can an energy system that is resilient to extreme   - Jeanette Jackson, CEO of Foresight
               weather events be built? With a history of friendship   Cleantech Accelerator Centre.
               and  understanding,  it  is  cogent  to  consider  how

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