Page 48 - CE JOURNAL FEB 2024 ISSUE 20
P. 48

The structural diagram of the proposed RE off-grid fuel station design, that was technically assessed, is shown

                                           Proposed Renewable Energy off grid fuel station design

               Resource Assessment: This included the assessment of RE and Energy Storage System (ESS) resources.
               Satellite data and online tools were used for assessment of RE potentials. ESS potential was assessed based
               on literature review, appropriate sizes and storage time requirement.

               Market  and  Regulatory  Assessment:  This  included  political,  social,  public  assessment  and  regulatory
               requirements.  Analysis  of  products  on  the  market  meeting  all  above  mentioned  requirements  as  per
               literature reviewed was conducted and data from the best or most applicable products was documented
               from manufacturer specification sheets.

               Technical Assessment: Models were developed in Matlab Simulink for the proposed design based on case
               study site assessment, calculations, data sheets, data collected and literature review. Optimization of the
               models were done for the ESS sources identified. Each Simulink model developed was tested to confirm that
               it is producing reliable and comparable results compared to  literature results. Simulations were done for
               various optimization options and the results were recorded.

               Economic Assessment: Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) costs and Simple Payback Period were determined from
               market research, literature reviewed and data analysis for the various combinations of RE and ESS, identified
               as most feasible in the Technical Assessment. Operational Expenditure (OPEX) costs were assumed and various
               options for assessment were designed and full assessment was done to determine the best economic option.
               Calculations for all designed options were done and the financial parameters included Net Present Value (NPV),
               NPV Operations and Maintenance (O&M) (Project Life) Cost, Annualized Life Cycle Cost of O&M Cost ($/yr),
               Annualized Unit O&M ($/kW/year) cost, NPV (Project Life) per Watt, Levelized O&M Cost per kWh delivered ($/
               kWh) (average lifetime Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) generation), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Modified

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