Page 16 - CE_Industral_Journal_2014
P. 16

DME - An Alternate Fuel to Diesel for

          Power Generation in the Caribbean

                                                                       Frank Look Kin, Stefan Roach, Kenichi Nakamura

        ABSTRACT                                                WHAT IS DME ?
        Dimethyl ether (DME) is one of the derivatives of methanol   Dimethyl  ether  (DME),  with  the  chemical  structure
        that  has  been  used  as  an  aerosol  propellant  for  more   CH3OCH3  and  the  molecular  weight  46.07,  has  the
        than 50 years. The characteristics of DME has attracted   smallest number of carbon atoms of all ethers. The boiling
        attention as a substitute fuel to Liquefied Petroleum Gas   point of DME is -25 oC, and DME is a gas at ambient
        (LPG) and Diesel.                                       temperature  and  air  pressure.  DME  can,  however,  be
        Caribbean Gas Chemical Limited a joint-venture company   liquefied  at  20  oC  and  about  5  atmospheres,  and  it
        is  currently  developing  a  project  to  produce  DME  in   can be transported in a normal temperature pressurized
        Trinidad & Tobago by 2016. Since DME can be derived     container. LPG technology can be used for the storage
        from natural gas it has the potential of being a lower cost   and handling of DME.
        and  environmental  friendly  fuel  substitute  to  Diesel  for   The heating value per weight of liquid DME is 60 percent
        power generation not only in Trinidad & Tobago but in the   of  LPG  and  70  percent  of  diesel  oil,  while  the  heating
        Caribbean.                                              value  per  volume  in  that  is  80  percent  of  LPG  and  50
                                                                percent of diesel oil.
        Dimethyl ether (DME) is one of the derivatives of methanol   DME is estimated to produce little PM (Particulate Matter)
        that has been used as an aerosol propellant for more than   generation  in  thecombustion  processes  because  of  its
        50 years. However, DME is now attracting great attention   good  diffusive  characteristics  after  introduction  into  the
        as  an  energy  source  for  the  21st  century  because  of   engine  combustion  chamber  due  to  rapid  vaporization,
        its  multiple  sources,  excellent  physical  and  chemical   lack of soot formation because it is an oxygen containing
        properties and excellent storage properties.            compound,  and  the  lack  of  sulfur-ascribable  PM  since
        In this paper we explain “What is DME ? , DME outlook,   it contains no sulfur. DME seems to be suited as diesel
        DME project in Trinidad & Tobago and substitute to Diesel   engine fuel thanks to its relatively high cetane number (55).
        for power generation.

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