Page 17 - CE_Industral_Journal_2014
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        Japan                                                   DME production commenced from January 2009.
        Japan considers DME a viable future energy.             • Two food manufacturers are utilizing DME as a Boiler
        Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Limited and 8 private companies   fuel.
        constructed  an  80,000MT  DME  production  plant(  Joint   • Two trucks are currently running on DME as a diesel
        Venture: Fuel DME Limited) on August, 2008 inside the   substitute fuel (for the usage of item transports) by receiving
        Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co.,Inc. Niigata factory which is   an official license from the government (Both trucks have
        near to the Methanol importation facility.              already exceeded 130 thousand km and still operating).

        China                                                  20wt% mix with LPG for cooking. The national standard
        China  is  currently  the  leading  commercial  producer   of  “DME  for  Vehicle  Fuel”  was  formally  implemented  on
        and  consumer  of  DME.  There  are  currently  79  DME   November 1, 2011, giving the green light for DME to enter
        manufacturers in China and as of the end of 2011, the   the vehicular fuel market.
        total  capacity  to  make  DME  had  reached  around  9.5
        Million Tonnes per annum (TPA), estimated to increase to   The  operating  rate  of  these  Chinese  plants  however  is
        13.0  Million  TPA  by  2015.  It  is  mainly  being  used  as  a   at  about  20-30%.  The  major  challenges  are  due  to  the

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