Page 44 - CE_Industral_Journal_2014
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live  images  directly  over  an  IP  network.    This  enables   camera has been compromised; and loitering to determine
        authorized users to remotely view, store and manage video   if  people  stay  too  long  near  a  restricted  area.  Video
        over a standard IP-based network.  An IP camera does    analytics are also increasingly being used for substation
        not need to be directly connected to a DVR, as it operates   automation as a feedback into an operational control or
        independently and can be placed wherever an IP network   monitoring function.
        connection exists. An IP camera is fully bi-directional, and
        can  communicate  with  several  applications  in  parallel   F.  Storage
        to  perform  various  tasks,  such  as  detecting  motion  or
        sending different streams of video.                     Video monitoring systems that record all the activities that
                                                                occur through a camera require a significant amount of

        Cameras can come in a fixed format, where the position   storage space, especially if long term video archiving is
        and field of view is fixed, or as a PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom), which   required. Video storage systems need to be reliable and
        enables an operator to move the camera viewpoint around   scalable and with solutions using a combination of local
        a wide area.                                            storage on a DVR as well as network attached storage
                                                                where additional storage can be added as required and
                                                                expanded to very large terabytes storage systems.
        D.  Video Management Software
        Video management software is used in combination with   As  the  deployment  of  video  monitoring  solutions  is
        video  cameras  (IP  or  analog)  to  provide  real-time  and   implemented  across  the  system,  it  is  important  that  an
        historical  video  monitoring,  video  recording,  and  event   appropriate  strategy  surrounding  storage  be  executed.
        management.  Multiple  cameras  over  multiple  locations   Considering for example, 5 cameras per substation, each
        can  be  accessed  via  the  software.  In  addition,  the   recording at 1Mb/s and with 24/7 recording, over 4 GB of
        software  typically  includes  additional  functionality  such   data per day will be generated. Depending on the number
        as installation and management tools for network video   of substations in a system, the data that is generated can
        products,  image  enhancement  capability,  scheduling   be significant.
        functions and archive management.
                                                                G.  Auxiliary Components
        Video  management  software  also  handles  the  tasks  of
        automatic notification of alarms or events through email or   Video monitoring systems sometimes employ additional
        communication protocols. Automatic detection of events   components  to  enhance  or  add  new  capabilities  to
        that occur within the video is made by using video analytic   existing operations. Functionality such as access control
        algorithms.                                             and  motion  detection  is  designed  in  conjunction  with
                                                                video monitoring systems in order to provide a completely
                                                                integrated physical security solution.
        E.  Video Analytics
        In a typical monitoring application, a human operator has to   In addition, given the networked nature of today’s video
        constantly monitor a large array of video feeds for security   monitoring solutions, cyber security concerns also need
        threats or operational issue.  As the number of cameras   to be addressed and may require dedicated devices for
        increases, information overload makes manual monitoring   cyber  security  intrusion  detection  systems  and  network
        increasingly difficult, adding to other confounding factors   firewalls.  These  are  sometimes  integrated  with  video
        like  human  fatigue  and  boredom.  Intelligent  video   monitoring solutions.
        monitoring automates the monitoring and event detection
        components,  alerting  the  operator  only  when  unusual   DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR ELECTRIC UTILITIES
        behavior or other events of interest are detected.
                                                                In solving issues or improving utility operations, especially
        Video  Analytics  is  a  technology  that  is  used  to  analyze   within a substation, it is imperative that the utility selects
        video for specific events, alarms, conditions or objects. It is   the  right  technology  for  the  application.  The  following
        comprised of software algorithms to analyze the contents   provides  high  level  design  guidelines  when  considering
        of video to extract information about the content of that   video  monitoring  solutions  for  use  in  any  number  of
        video. Examples of video analytics applications include:   applications  within  an  electric  utility.  This  section  does
        motion detection which automatically detects motion in a   not  provide  answers  and  is  only  meant  to  highlight  the
        field of view; perimeter violation (or “virtual tripwire”) which   parameters and options that must be considered when
        can monitor a fence line for any intrusion (eg. someone   designing the overall solution.
        jumping  a  fence);  camera  tampering  to  determine  if  a

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