Page 43 - CE_Industral_Journal_2014
P. 43

equipment,  storage  devices,  and  auxiliary  equipment.   servers, cameras, and software algorithms that have been
        Generally  speaking,  most  commercially  available     designed for more commercial applications.
        products have been designed to operate in an office type
        environment.  The  harsh  environments  present  within  a   A.  Architecture
        substation  requires  video  monitoring  equipment  that  is
        significantly more robust and which contains specialized   Figure 1 illustrates a typical video monitoring architecture
        components  that  are  less  susceptible  to  failure  and   for  electric  utilities.  It  illustrates  the  most  common
        which can compensate for less than ideal conditions, to   components of a solution and highlights the distributed
        ensure that the system remains operational and reliable.   nature of the infrastructure. Substations that need to be
        In addition, the uncontrolled environments of many sites   monitored  are  generally  located  in  remote  areas  with
        (eg.  temperature,  EMI,  humidity,  poor  and  inconsistent   no  personnel  onsite  and  many  times  with  only  a  low
        lighting, rain, snow, etc.) make it impractical to utilize video   bandwidth  channel  for  communications.  This  dispersed
                                                                infrastructure raises a problem for video streaming.

         B.  Digital Video Server                              access control, digital I/O, and SCADA capabilities.
        A digital video recorder (DVR) is a device that records video
        in a digital format to a disk drive or other medium. DVRs   C.  Cameras
        have become the main way to record video from analog   Cameras capture and transmit live images and fall into two
        and  IP  camera  as  it  provides  for  longer  recording times   classes, Analog and IP.
        than the previously used VCRs. DVRs are typically located   Analog cameras are currently the most widely deployed
        in close proximity to the cameras as there is generally a   video surveillance equipment. They use a CCD or CMOS
        direct connection from the camera to DVR. However with   image  sensor  and  produce  an  analog  video  signal  that
        the proliferation of IP cameras, a direct connection is no   is  transmitted  through  a  cable  to  a  subsequent  viewing
        longer  required  as  video  can  be  transferred  over  an  IP   station or other processing equipment. The analog camera
        network through switches and routers. Sometimes these   is a one directional signal carrier that terminates at a video
        types of DVRs are called Network Video Recorders (NVRs).
                                                               monitor or recording device. Analog cameras do not allow
                                                               remote access, but with the use of video encoders, these
        Digital  Video  Servers  (DVSs)  are  a  new  class  of  DVRs   cameras can be added to an IP network.
        that have all the capabilities of DVRs and NVRs, but they   An  IP  camera  captures  live  video  similar  to  an  analog
        also make it possible to integrate IP and analog cameras   camera, but incorporates the video encoding to transmit
        together and can provide additional functionality, such as
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