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al. argued that utility professionals having gained expertise   Markard  (2013)  use  the  characteristics  of  infrastructure
        and  competitive  advantage  in  mature  technologies  are   sectors  to  illustrate  the  difficulty  leaders  in  this  sector
        usually resistant to adopting other technologies. Fossil fuel   experience in diversifying their business outside of core
        technologies are mature technologies to utility industries.   activities. According to Worch et al.(2013), these sectors
        The complexity due to the lack of knowledge in operating   have capital-intensive assets with long payback periods,
        renewable  energy  technologies  can  act  as  a  barrier  to   and the assets are so specific that there are unusable for
        adopting and therefore implementing these technologies.   other purposes. Additionally, these sectors provide basic
        To overcome this barrier, leaders of electric utilities can   services, which cannot be easily withdrawn, and usually
        employ  the  suggested  strategy  by  Richter  (2013)  and   have  to  meet  political  and  regulatory  objectives.  Worch
        Shah et al. (2013) and form partnerships with other entities   et  al.  concluded  that  because  of  these  characteristics
        that have expertise in renewable energy technologies. If   capability gaps would emerge due to changes in policies,
        electric utility leaders are able to form these partnerships,   introduction of new technologies, or shifts in regulations.
        this  will  provide  leaders  with  a  strategy  to  ensure  that   Wustenhagen  and  Manichetti  (2012)  suggested  that
        utility  personnel  gain  knowledge  and  build  expertise  in   cognitive  factors  such  as  path  dependence  could
        renewable energy technologies.                          influence  decision-making.  Therefore,  some  leaders  of
                                                                electric utility companies accustomed to investing in fossil
        CompAtIbILIty                                           fuel generation may find it challenging to switch towards
        The  value  system  and  past  experiences  of  leaders   investing in renewable energy technologies. For example,
        of  electric  utility  companies  influence  their  behavior   customer-side  renewable  energy  investments  required
        towards investments in renewable energy technologies.   a  significant  change  in  business  logic  and  thinking  by
        Researchers  have  shown  that  the  innovativeness  of   leaders of electric utility companies in Germany (Richter,
        decision  makers  and  their  mindset  toward  radical   2013). Koen, Bertels, and Elsum (2011) found that why
        innovations,  such  as  renewable  energy  technologies,   established firms, which dominate a market, allow other
        and  the  business  sector  in  which  the  organization   companies  with  business  model  innovations  to  acquire
        operates can retard the rate of decision-making (D’Este   market  share  or  limit  their  growth.  Koen  et  al.  (2011)
        et al., 2012; Ganter & Hecker, 2013; Laforet, 2013). The   found  that  business  model  innovation  requires  a  new
        characteristics of the electricity sector could be a potential   value network.  The perceived degree in which investing
        change  barrier,  Worch,  Truffer,  Kabinga,  Eberhard,  and   in  renewable  energy  technologies  aligns  with  the  past

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