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experiences,  value  system,  and  needs  of  the  electric   stable  electricity  supply.  Thus  leaders  of  electric  utilities
        utility is dependent on the behaviors of leaders of electric   tend  to  invest  in  products  and  technologies  that  are
        utility companies towards these investments. According   mature  and  proven  (Shah  et  al.,  2013).  Therefore,  the
        to  Richter  (2013b),  leaders  of  electric  utilities  should   inability to experiment with renewable energy production,
        form  new  business  units  to  overcome  the  challenges   primarily due to the high capital costs of renewable energy
        that past experiences may pose on implementing these    technologies, may influence the time it takes leaders of
        technologies.  Richter  noted  that  these  business  units   electric utilities to develop strategies to implement these
        should be separate from the fossil fuel operations of the   technologies.
        utility;  leaders  of  these  units  should  focus  on  creating
        business models and strategies to operationalize on these   ConCLUSIon
        technologies.                                           Based  on  the  literature  there  exist  some  advantages
                                                                and  disadvantages  to  adopting  renewable  energy
        obSERVAbILIty                                           technologies.  Vithayasrichareon  et  al.  (2014)  stated
        There  continues  to  be  growth  in  photovoltaic  (PV)   that  although  renewable  energy  technologies  are
        markets  despite  the  effects  of  the  global  recession   more expensive than fossil fuel technologies, there is a
        and subsidiary cuts for renewable energy production in   need  to  gradually  transition  to  increasing  use  of  these
        Netherlands (Huijben & Verbong, 2013). In Netherlands,   technologies.  Vithayasricheon  noted  there  is  need
        utilities  changed  their  business  models  and  are  in  the   for  supportive  policies  to  encourage  investments  in
        business  of  selling,  installing,  and  monitoring  customer   renewables,  as  renewable  energy  technologies  are  not
        PV systems. In comparison, in Germany, some leaders     yet  cost  competitive  with  fossil  fuel  technologies.  The
        of  electric  utility  companies  have  successfully  adopted   authors  noted  that  in  the  absence  of  these  supportive
        and implemented renewable energy technologies without   policies,  transitioning  to  increased  renewable  energy
        significantly  changing  the  utility’s  business  models   growth would result in high electricity rates for extended
        (Richter  2013a).  Leaders  of  German  electric  utilities   periods  unless  carbon  emission  penalties  surpass  the
        invested  in  large-scale  renewable  energy  technologies   costs  to  invest  in  these  technologies.  Some  potential
        but did not see any opportunities or threats associated   strategies  to  implement  renewable  energy  technologies
        with  investing  in  customer  photovoltaic  technologies,   include strategies to reduce the complexity of renewable
        although experiencing a decline in market share. German   energy technologies by gaining knowledge and expertise
        utility  leaders  saw  no  opportunities  in  changing  their   in these technologies, strategies to ensure that renewable
        utilities’  business  models  by  investing  in  customer-side   energy technologies are compatible with the operations of
        photovoltaic systems.                                   the utilities, and strategies to reduce the risk in investing
                                                                these  technologies  and  commercialize  on  the  growth
        There may be some technical limitations to observing the   opportunities  provided  by  these  technologies.  Leaders
        impact  of  implementing  renewable  energy  technologies   of  electric  utility  companies  could  also  use  the  lessons
        in  regions  outside  the  Caribbean.  Electricity  from   learned form other utilities to assist with creating strategies
        renewable energy sources are intermittent, Germany and   to  implement  renewable  energy  technologies  but  need
        other utilities within the United States have the benefits   to  consider  the  context  in  which  these  electric  utilities
        of  accessing  electricity  from  other  states  due  to  grid   operate.  Additionally,  these  strategies  and  the  lessons
        interconnections. Unlike electric utilities in larger countries,   learned from observing other utilities should reduce any
        there are no interconnections between Caribbean utilities.   uncertainties leaders of electric utilities have because of
        One of the Secretariat’s goals is to interconnect electricity   the inability to experiment with these technologies.
        grids in the Caribbean region (Caricom, 2013). The low
        uptake of renewables in the Caribbean makes it difficult
        for leaders of electric utilities to draw on the experiences   Nneka Archer
        of  other  member  states,  in  implementing  renewable   Distribution Engineer
        energy technologies. Therefore, in developing strategies   Barbados Light & Power
        to  implement  renewable  energy  technologies  leaders
        of  electric  utility  not  only  need  to  consider  the  lessons
        learned from other utilities but need to develop strategies   REFEREnCES
        suited to the context in which the utility operates.
                                                                Auth,  K.,  Konald,  M.,  Musolino,  E.,  &  Ochs,  A.  (2013).
        tRIALAbILIty                                            Caribbean sustainable energy roadmap (C-SERMS), phase 1:
        Electricity is a commodity. Traditionally, leaders of electric   Summary and recommendations for policy makers. Retrieved
        utility  companies  focused  on  maintaining  a  reliable  and   from

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