“For several years companies have managed their Environmental systems separately from the Occupational Health and Safety systems. As an inflection note, many companies do not have an Environmental management system so management of environmental risk was adhoc. Given the global trends leaning towards Environmental sustainability and Sustainable work, companies are challenged to implement these systems and more importantly to build integrated management systems. Moreover, 14001:2015 and 45001:2018 are seen as the standards for managing the Environment and Sustainable work.
As a result of these trends, many companies are seeking to align to these standards, in their quest to identify and manage Environmental and Health and Safety opportunities and risk as critical elements in growing their business portfolios. However, in a number of instances, these companies lacks the technical capacities and competencies to successfully implement, maintain and continually improve these systems. In addition, many companies are trying to implement one standard at a time, which has proven to be uneconomical and time consuming. Therefore, the optimized solution is to build integrated management systems which is proving to be economically and logistically prudent.
The Health and Safety training will feature two experienced and trained EHS utility professionals who have lead transformational changes in their respective companies; and have implemented the ISO 14001:2015 and 45001:2018 standards. This training course is designed to provide OSH professionals with an understanding of the requirements of the ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 14001:2015 standards, identify and explain the implementation steps and build capacity through the use of practical examples. This training is geared towards the EHS, HR profession or anyone with responsibility for implementing the ISO management systems”.