Topic: Leverage your Environment Health & Safety Management System for reporting on Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG)
Presenter: Lucien Cattrysse, PwC | Director – Sustainability and Risk Services
Moderator: Anthony Patterson, OSH Manager, St. Vincent Electricity Services Ltd, CARIOSH Chairman
The most effective EH&S management systems are enterprise level and outward looking, featuring SMART objectives to drive performance improvement fit for communication beyond senior management and the Board to investors and stakeholders in support of social licence and Environment Social & Governance (ESG). The management system objectives have been therefore designed with an eye to addressing stakeholder needs and crafted to inform outward communication. The objectives and targets are also largely science-based and backed by robust processes for data gathering and control, lending management the confidence that they are achievable. In effect, the EHS Management Systems push science-based and quality-controlled performance data upward and outward. Many electrical utilities are now fully examining their enterprise financial governance frameworks and internal controls to manage transition risk for reporting on ESG, and for informing their Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) as part of Financial Reporting. The presentation will provide commentary on how electrical utilities can leverage their existing Environment Health & Safety Management System performance reporting for external communications on Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG).
Presenter: Lucien Cattrysse, PwC | Director – Sustainability and Risk Services
Moderator: Anthony Patterson, OSH Manager, St. Vincent Electricity Services Ltd, CARIOSH Chairman