Page 67 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 67

CASE STUDY                                     power plant. The customer, who owns 5 Jenbacher
                                                                  engines (cogenerators) with internal combustion,
                   ZE-50-ULH - Italy                              chose to recover the hot fumes generated by his
                   One of the projects we are completing is at a   engines,  in order to produce  further  electricity
                   livestock farm specializing in cattle rearing and   with ORC technology, increasing in this way, the
                   located in the province of Padua, Italy. It has been   overall  efficiency  if  his  power  plant.  The  ORC
                   decided  to  acquire  a  biogas  production  system   module  selected  at this purpose exploits  the
                   on  the  farm  fuelled  by  the  fermented  sewage   heat contained in the engine fumes using a heat
                   created from the cows. The biogas produced in   recovery heat-exchanger, which transfers the heat
                   the fermenting tanks is used as fuel for a micro-  of these exhaust gases in clean water, generating
                   power  plant  based  on  a  637-kW  engine  by  the   superheated  water  at  160  °  C  to  feed  the  ORC
                   German firm Jenbacher. The plant takes advantage   module. The selected system can produce up to
                   of the favourable, all-comprehensive tariff which   420 kW of gross electricity, bringing the current
                   the Italian government grants to new, small power   electric  production  of  6800  kWe  of  the  motors
                   plants powered by renewable energy sources.    alone to 7220 kWe, with a percentage increase of
                      The  ORC  system  supplied,  a  ZE-50-ULH  low   6.2%.
                   temperature Organic Rankine Cycle module -
                   recovers waste heat from flue gases and cooling   ZE-40-ULH – Korea
                   jackets of the aforementioned Jenbacher engine,   This plant – our first installation in the Far East – is
                   and  thus  contributes  significantly  to  the  overall   found in the main hamlet of a small island, located
                   system efficiency and productivity. The ORC module   in the Yellow Sea off the south-eastern shore of
                   is entirely contained in a custom container, located   South Korea. This small island, occupying less than
                   outdoors, which is both compact (4,2 x 1,5 x h 3,1m)   20 km2, is home to about 3,000 persons who rely
                   and fully weatherproof. This container hosts the   on a local power station based on eight large diesel
                   whole ORC system, including turbine, secondary   gensets for their electricity.
                   heat exchangers and  control panel,  as well as a      The plant owner has given a Korean private
                   climatization system for the control panels. Cooling   firm  has  been  given  the  task  to  increase  plant
                   for the condensation part of the cycle is ensured   efficiency.  As  such,  Zuccato  Energia  was  asked
                   by an EvapCo cooling tower located beside the   to manufacture a 30 kWE nominal output Low-
                   container.                                     Temperature  ORC  Module  with  a  peak  output
                                                                  power of 40 kWE and maximum efficiency of 9%
                   ZE-400-LT – Argentina                          designed to operate by recovering the heat from
                   This Argentinian customer has decided to valorize   a 1 MW diesel engine operating one of the gensets
                   his company's waste heat by creating an ORC    according to their specifications.

                                                                  "Environmental sustainability" is becoming the
                                                                  watchword of the company vision; and energy
                                                                  consumption is the key element in assessing the
                                                                  environmental impact of an energy-intensive sector.
                                                                     Waste  heat  recovery  through  ORC  technology
                                                                  becomes  the  means  to  achieving this  goal  –
                                                                  recovering heat at medium and low temperatures
                                                                  regardless of the fuel burned by the engine to reduce
                                                                  the environmental impact, while at the same time
                                                                  reducing economic impact, allowing the exploitation
                                                                  of waste and conversion into electricity, with high
                                                                  flexibility and minimal maintenance requirements.

                       Fig. 3 Zuccato Energia ORC System in Area Test

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