Page 66 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 66

TECHNOLOGICAL AND OPERATIONAL                  HFC working fluid and a thermal transfer fluid. Both
               ADVANTAGES:                                    are completely “ozone-friendly”, non-toxic, and fully
                                                              eco-compatible. Zuccato Energia particularly uses
               •  An  increase  in  the  overall  efficiency  of  the   plain tap water for thermal energy transfer instead
               system plant by recovering waste heat dispersed   of environmentally dangerous alternative fluids.
               from the engine in different places:
               exhaust  gases,  by  inserting  a  fume/water  heat   •  Less maintenance and zero supervision:
               exchanger  in  the  exhaust  piping;  engine  cooling   the low operational pressures of ORC technology
               jackets, by inserting a water/water exchanger in the   ensure great operational safety. Full-scale
               cooling water circuit; oil cooling circuit, particularly in   automatization  removes  the  need  to  employ
               larger-size engines (e.g., naval applications).  specialized personnel for operation and an
                                                              integrated remote-control system grants the
               •  Two series of ORC systems:                  client  full  remote  monitoring  and  management
               LT Series – for the recovery of high temperatures   capabilities.
               from exhaust gases and ULH Series – for the recovery
               of low temperatures from water/oil circuit.    •  Long duration (up to 20 years and over):
                                                              ORC systems have different elements that allow a
               •  Zero Emissions:                             long duration - completely dry working fluid, CNC
               ORC systems are impeccably eco-friendly. The entire   machined steel body with aluminium alloy impeller
               process has zero atmospheric emissions. It uses an   and use of ceramic bearings.

                                               Fig. 2 ORC System in a customer plant
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