Page 26 - CARILEC CE Journal Nov 21
P. 26

non-linear, distributed grid requires redefining grid
                                                              management. Canadian companies have the skills
                                                              and experience to bridge this gap.
               "Canada has a relatively small
               domestic market, and so Canadians              If the pandemic and climate change have shown us
               are well set up to work overseas.              one thing, it is that the solutions for global, system-
               Perhaps more than in other countries,          wide  problems  do  not  arrive  pre-designed  in  a
               we understand the need for flexibility.
               We don’t arrive with one, predetermined        box; complex challenges need custom solutions. In
               solution, and we are ready to partner."        Canada, these challenges are set against an inherent
               - Chris Tumpach, CEO of Rainforest Automation  entrepreneurial  spirit  and  a  government  that  is
                                                              investing in innovation and a clean economy. This
                                                              means that Canada now has one of the world’s most
                                                              competitive cleantech industries, with 12 Canadian
                                                              companies included in the 2020 Global Cleantech 100,
               you need to control usage on tight grids, it is critical   an annual roster of the world's top 100 companies
               to get some idea of the usage patterns, and to share   in  the  field.  It  is  an  ecosystem  of  small,  dynamic
               that  data  not  only  with  the  utilities,  but  also  with   firms that thrive on working with the buyer to build
               customers so they can start to manage their own   bespoke solutions; an exciting and valuable network
               energy use. It’s about empowering consumers to play   to be connected to.
               their role in energy efficiency.”
                                                              As Canada continues along its own path of energy
               The  next  step  is  to  empower  utilities  to  analyze   transition,  many  of  the  associated  challenges  will
               the system on their own terms. Grid management   resonate  with  Caribbean  organisations.  Climate
               software  can  also  optimize  energy  efficiency  and   change does not stop at borders, and the need to
               manage  demand,  while  accommodating  for  the   decarbonise energy is a shared global problem that
               complexity of multiple distributed energy resources.   is too big to tackle alone.
               These services are critical to realizing the benefits of
               renewable energy and ensuring that these assets are   If  you  would  like  to  engage  and  partner  with  the
               optimized, while being flexible to the needs of their   thriving ecosystem in Canada, your first step should
               service area.                                  be to contact the Canadian Trade Commissioner in
                                                              your market or [email protected].
               Management  of  the  grid  hardware  itself  has  also   The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service is a key
               been an area of innovation. With much of Canada—  resource  for  anyone  interested  in  doing  business
               like the Caribbean—still using overhead lines that   with Canada and we are ready to help you start a
               can  be  at  risk  of  equipment  failure  and  outages;   conversation about your energy systems. We can also
               grid  management  and  maintenance  also  benefits   connect you with strategic procurement, investment,
               from remote monitoring and automation systems. A   innovation, or education partners in Canada.  Such
               Manitoba company has developed a safer bushing   challenges  at  this  scale  need  collaboration,  and
               design that saves energy in transportation and can   Canadian organizations are ready to take action.
               also monitor and predict bushing failures. This helps
               to  optimize  maintenance  crews  during  an  outage
               and is one of those ‘win-win’ projects with benefits
               for energy, costs, and safety.
               Transitioning to cleaner energy is not a matter of just
               plugging in new supplies. Renewable energy systems
               are most effective when connected to smarter grids     CanHCBarbados
               that  can  understand  usage,  optimize  intermittent
               supplies, and manage peak loads and storage. This
               transition from a traditional, centralized grid, to a

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