Page 25 - CARILEC CE Journal Nov 21
P. 25

A  combination  of  renewable  generation  and
                                                                  storage  –stand-alone  or  grid-connected  can  be
                                                                  set  up  as  a  self-sufficient  micro-grid,  particularly
                                                                  suitable for island-scale operations, recovery after
                                                                  natural disasters and increasing the power system’s
                                                                  resiliency.  This  has  been  the  case  in  places  like
                                                                  Prince Edward Island in Canada and Ragged Island
                                                                  in the Bahamas. The Ragged Island project combines
                                                                  Canadian and Caribbean expertise and investment,
                                                                  delivering a PV and storage system that will meet
                                                                  95% of the energy needs for the island community.

                                                                  Canada and the Caribbean share the need to provide
                                                                  power to remote communities, in locations that are
                                                                  difficult to connect to the grid. In Canada, there has
                                                                  been a lot of progress made on cost-effective energy
                                                                  storage,  net-zero  developments  and  microgrid
                                                                  solutions,  to  support  remote  communities  that
                                                                  otherwise rely on diesel generators.  It must be noted
                                                                  however, that remoteness is not the sole reason for
                                                                  reliance on diesel generators in the Caribbean.

                                                                  Canadian remote communities have also pioneered
                                                                  the  rethinking  of  energy  business  models.  In  the
                                                                  Yukon,  indigenous  communities  have  partnered
                                                                  with  the  local  utilities  to  own  and  operate  new
                      Canada is a world leader in science and technology
                   with strong commitments to innovation and collaboration.   solar  projects.  Under  this  model,  the  community
                       Nanode Battery Technologies is developing high   will benefit from their own efficiencies and smart
                     performance rechargeable lithium-ion battery anodes.  management.  This  progressive,  non-engineered
                                                                  solution requires trust and collaboration between
                                                                  the community and the utility and is a successful
                   Moving  forward,  there  will  be  significant   model that can be replicated in the Caribbean.
                   opportunities to keep deepening these strong ties
                   (for  reference,  the  sector  is  expected  to  grow  by   Another  key  opportunity  for  growth  is  the
                   almost 50% by 2030 in Canada); this article aims to   development of software to support the automation
                   explore some of them:                          of energy systems. On the demand side, this begins
                                                                  with the task of understanding the complexities of
                   As more intermittent power sources come online and   energy use, so utilities can be more efficient with the
                   Climate Change accelerates extreme weather events,   energy already supplied. The collection of energy use
                   the need for back-up energy supply will continue to   data is a challenge, particularly when using outdated
                   grow. The Caribbean knows this firsthand, with an   systems which are not fit for this specific purpose.
                   increasing share of renewables in the energy matrix   Several Canadian companies have designed software
                   and  being  at  risk  of  disruptions  every  hurricane   package solutions that capture energy use data for
                   season. In Canada, where wind and solar are the   commercial or domestic buildings and translate this
                   dominant sources of new capacity, representing two   information to identify opportunities for low-carbon
                   thirds of new generation capacity additions since   building improvements.
                   2009, and wildfires and winter storms are becoming
                   more frequent; there has been an uptake in battery   Chris  Tumpach,  CEO  of  Rainforest  Automation,
                   backup power and energy storage solutions, capable   points out the importance of real-time information
                   of providing grid, commercial and residential scale   when managing grids, particularly for smaller grids
                   backup power.                                  with reduced capacity, such as island grids. “When

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