Page 30 - CARILEC CE Journal Nov 21
P. 30

Corporate  image  can  be  described  as  ‘the  global
               evaluation (comprised of a set of beliefs and feelings)
               an individual has about an organisation’ . It must   Simply put, energy sector stakeholders
               be stressed that corporate image is a momentary   need to strategically incorporate RE
                                                              deployment policies and plans into their
               snapshot,  based  on  a  short-term,  emotional   organisational corporate communications
               evaluation of an entity. Therefore, while a corporate   plan. The advancement of RE in the
               communications  strategy  is  aimed  at  molding  an   Caribbean, or worldwide for that matter,
               organisation’s image into a positive one, an isolated   will not be accomplished through stand-
               incident  can  temporarily,  but  negatively  alter  its   alone and ad hoc media statements or
               corporate image. Corporate identity refers to ‘how   occasionally disseminated press releases.
               an organisation expresses and differentiates itself,
               in relation to its external stakeholders. It consists of
               the cues which an organisation offers about itself via
               its behaviour, communication, and symbolism, which   organisation in a consistently positive manner, in
               are its forms of expression.’  Corporate reputation   order for a good corporate reputation to be formed
               on the other hand, can be viewed as ‘the character   overtime.  Moreover,  corporate  reputation  is  also
               background  formed  based  on  a  long-term  and   a  by-product  of  corporate  identity,  given  that  an
               more rational evaluation of the company. It is the   organisation can develop its reputation based on
               longitudinal judgement of who the company is and   its differentiation from other competitors, or lack
               what it stands for among multiple stakeholders’ .   thereof.
               It  can  be  said  that  an  organisation  forms  a   Where does this fit into the advocacy for RE transition
               corporate reputation through its steady portrayal   in  the  Caribbean  and  globally?  In  order  for  an
               of a certain corporate image to its stakeholders and   organisation’s stance or policy on an issue of national
               audiences, whether positive or negative. Accordingly,   and global importance to be accepted and positively
               communications outputs need to portray the     interpreted  by  its  audiences;  it  has  to  effectively

               6 Ibid.
               7 Ibid.

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