Page 43 - CARILEC CE Journal Nov 21
P. 43

GOVCONSYS.COM   •   877-659-6328

                               HOW WÄRTSILÄ

                                  IS LEVERAGING

                      ENERGY TRANSITION


                               THE CARIBBEAN

 FLOWING.             infrastructure is key. To learn how one company is helping this region
                        Energy transition and digital transformation are two areas that are
                       gaining traction, particularly in the Caribbean, where having resilient

                       shore up its energy infrastructure, BNamericas interviewed Wärtsilä
                                    Business Development Manager Tganni Louisy.

                                                    Written by: David Casallas
 GCS offers an extensive scope of services and products
 that support many types of power generation.                     the world, the Caribbean being no exception, the
                                                                  pandemic situation has boosted the need for digital
                                                                  transformation. This has unlocked potential and
 Our global network of trusted brands helps customers             additional  capabilities  for  us  to  solve  customer
 at all levels make the best, most informed decisions to          cases remotely which has been beneficial both to
 select the right components for the job and keep their           us and our customers particularly as our energy
                                                                  experts  no  longer  need  to  travel  to  site,  which
 equipment running longer.                                        allows  for  quicker  and  cost-effective  problem-
                                                                  solving solutions for both parties. This will certainly
                                                                  be a growing trend.
                                                                  BNamericas: There is increasing talk that energy
                                                                  transition  is  accelerating,  which  could  lead  to
                                                                  an earlier reduction in the use of natural gas as
                                    Tganni Louisy,                renewable energies make further inroads. Is Wärtsilä
                      Business Development Manager, Wärtsilä Caribbean
                                                                  prepared for such a scenario?

                   BNamericas: Much has been said that COVID-19   LOUISY: Innovation is at the heart of what we do
                   has given new impetus to digital transformation,   at Wärtsilä and will be vital for us and as a matter
                   especially in the energy sector. Is this something   of fact, any organization to remain relevant during
                   you’ve  seen  in  the  Caribbean  and  if  so,  how  is   this quickly evolving energy transition. We whole-
                   Wärtsilä leveraging this migration push?       heartedly believe that the solutions we provide our
                                                                  customers should not only be able to address the
                   LOUISY: For a couple years now, we have been   market demands of the day but also those of the
                   focusing heavily on and investing in the delivery of   future. It is with this in the forefront of our minds
                   improved digitized offerings and remote services   that  we  took  the  step  of  adding  energy  storage
                   for  our  energy  business  partners.  Throughout   solutions,  and  by  extension,  integration  and


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