Page 44 - CARILEC CE Journal Nov 21
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optimization services to our portfolio and continue
               to make tremendous strides with our thermal assets
               in terms of equipping them with the capability to   "Innovation is at the heart of
               burn most synthetic or potential alternative fuels   what we do at Wärtsilä and will
               such  as  biogas,  synthetic  methane,  ammonia,  or   be vital for us and as a matter of
               hydrogen. BNamericas: What are some areas, for   fact, any organization to remain
               example  on  the  regulatory  and  legislative  front,
               that need greater attention from Caribbean energy   relevant during this quickly
               policymakers?                                  evolving energy transition. We
                                                              whole-heartedly believe that
               LOUISY: Many countries simply have not         the solutions we provide our
               established  a  clear  regulatory  framework  which   customers should not only be
               addresses the many new players and challenges   able to address the market
               associated with the modern power grid. Investors
               prefer to have a clear idea of the regulatory rules   demands of the day but also
               which they need to abide by as uncertainty in the   those of the future."
               market acts as a huge impediment to investment.   - Tganni Louisy, Business Development
               Additionally,  the  need  for  a  robust  integrated   Manager, Wartsila Caribbean
               resource plan has become even more important as
               countries continue to navigate the energy transition.   decarbonization  targets.  There  have  been  some
               These integrated resource plans also need to be   tangible developments on the LNG front with a few
               created utilizing modern methods which allow for   suppliers appearing to have solved the problem of
               appropriate consideration to be given to the current   delivering relatively small cargos in an economically
               and future grid flexibility needs.             viable manner. This is quite significant for the region,
                                                              especially in the smaller markets where liquid fuels
               BNamericas: Over the past two years, Wärtsilä   remain  prominent.  There  also  appears  to  be  a                             DUANE MORRIS IS PROUD TO SUPPORT THE
               has secured work in the Bahamas, Barbados, the   better understanding around not only the technical
               Dominican Republic and the US Virgin Islands. What   benefits  of  energy  storage,  but  also  the  very
               other markets in this region is the company looking   attractive business cases enabled by the technology,                               CARIBBEAN ELECTRIC UTILITY
               at?                                            so we expect to see a lot more uptake on that front.                                 SERVICES CORPORATION (CARILEC)

               LOUISY:  The  entire  Caribbean  region  has  been
               and remains a priority for Wärtsilä, from Suriname        ABOUT  THE AUTHOR                                         Duane Morris has extensive experience advising clients in a wide range of legal matters
               and Guyana in the south to Belize in the northwest.
               However, a market which looks poised for some                                                                       related to renewable energy, infrastructure and development projects in the Caribbean
               significant  investment  and  transformation  in  the                                                               and  surrounding  countries  and  territories.  Our  international  presence  enables
               near  to  medium  term  is  Puerto  Rico.  Not  only
               is  there  a  clear  need  for  significant  additions  of                                                          us  to  respond  efficiently  and  effectively  to  evolving  legal,  political  and  economic
               renewable generation but complementary flexible                                                                     issues  affecting  our  clients’  businesses  and  interests  throughout  the  Caribbean.
               assets will be required to fully unlock the potential
               of these renewables and to achieve a truly reliable
               and resilient grid.                               David  Casallas  is  the senior energy writer  for
                                                                 BNamericas where he has worked for over 20 years.
               BNamericas:  What  existing  and  new  products,   David holds a  bachelor’s degree in international                                                               Miles L. Plaskett, Partner, Duane Morris LLP
               services  and  technologies  does  Wärtsilä  plan  to   relations and a graduate degree in Latin American                                                          Miami, Florida Office | 305.960.2243
               further roll out in the Caribbean?                studies. He is based in Santiago, Chile.
                                                                                                                                                     [email protected]
               LOUISY:  Our  flexible  solutions  will  continue  to
               play an essential role in the various markets as they
               continue  to  pursue  their  various  renewable  and
                                                                                                                                   Duane Morris – Firm and Affiliate Offices | New York | London | Singapore | Philadelphia | Chicago | Washington, D.C. | San Francisco | Silicon Valley
                                                                                                                                   San  Diego  |  Los  Angeles  |  Boston  |  Houston  |  Dallas  |  Austin  |  Hanoi  |  Ho  Chi  Minh  City  |  Shanghai  |  Atlanta  |  Baltimore  |  Wilmington  |  Miami
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