Page 21 - CE JOURNAL FEB 2024 ISSUE 20
P. 21

2.1   Pre-Feasibility Study
                   The pre-feasibility study's primary objective was to explore the viability of an offshore wind development in
                   Bermuda. It covered:

                   •  A site selection process, considering environmental, technical, and socio-economic factors
                   •  Technology review and equipment selection for the concept design
                   •  Energy yield assessment
                   •  Economic assessment

                   In this initial phase, publicly available information about socio-economic and environmental factors, wind
                   speeds and costs were leveraged. A potentially suitable location and export cable routes were identified
                   (see Figure 1). Using the concept design that was developed, the annual energy yield and the Levelized Cost
                   of Electricity (LCOE) were estimated. The proposed site lies in the North Lagoon of Bermuda, approximately
                   9km offshore.

                                               Figure 1: Proposed offshore wind site and cable routes.

                   2.2   Environmental Scoping Study
                   A desk-based environmental scoping study was conducted to assess the potential environmental impacts of
                   developing offshore wind at the sites proposed in the pre-feasibility study. The study was based on academic
                   work, previous work carried out on the project, information collated by local programmes and specialist
                   databases. The result was a detailed evaluation of the environmental impacts associated with offshore wind
                   development. This evaluation currently serves as the foundational document for the RA until a comprehensive
                   Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is conducted, which will occur once the detailed design of a potential
                   project is finalised.

                   2.3   Exploration Of De-Risking Activities
                   It was identified that an offshore wind project in Bermuda carries substantial risks to developers due to its
                   small scale, remoteness, and exposure to extreme weather events, to name a few. In response, the RA began
                   exploring options to undertake a wind measurement campaign and a seabed assessment. The technologies
                   and options to carry out these activities were investigated, and discussions were held with providers of

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