Page 30 - CE JOURNAL FEB 2024 ISSUE 20
P. 30

In April 2023, the GEOBUILD Programme conducted a Geothermal Energy Drilling and Development Study
               Tour to the Commonwealth of Dominica collaborating with the government and the Dominica Geothermal
               Development Company Limited (DGDC). The study tour achieved several objectives including sharing lessons
               learned by the Dominica Drilling Team concerning the implementation of the geothermal exploration and
               drilling phase in the development of geothermal energy; promoting a better understanding on how to deliver
               a drilling programme in the Eastern Caribbean, including management of costs, contract, activities, civil works
               requirements, public awareness and information, and safety and environmental safeguards. The study was
               also useful in fostering regional cooperation and collaboration within the OECS region for geothermal energy
               amongst the participants who have continued to engage and support each other in their national geothermal
               energy efforts.

               The GEOBUILD’s support is not limited to the technical level, but the programme also supports the ministers
               of energy in the beneficiary countries. In April 2023, it supported the hosting of the 2nd Council of Ministers
               of Energy meeting and the ministers’ attendance at the Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum (CREF) activity to
               build their capacity in the energy space and expose them to new developments. GEOBUILD has  also partnered
               with the Energy Transition in the Eastern Caribbean (ETC) Project under the Interreg European Union Territorial
               Cooperation in hosting two webinars, the first titled "Innovating for enhanced characterisation and exploitation
               of geothermal energy in the Caribbean", which took place on 2nd June 2023, with the aim to provide valuable
               insights and information on possible innovations that can support the development of geothermal energy
               in volcanic island contexts. The second webinar was held on 19th October 2023 and focused on three core
               pillars enhancing energy efficiency in buildings, promoting clean energy in transportation, and developing
               geothermal resources regionally.
               The OECS GEOBUILD Programme represents a significant step towards a more sustainable and secure
               energy future for the Eastern Caribbean. By building capacity, attracting investments, and focusing on local
               development, the initiative paves the way for the region to harness its vast geothermal energy potential
               effectively. As the world transitions towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, the GEOBUILD
               Programme exemplifies the OECS Commission's commitment to a greener, economically vibrant, and self-
               reliant future. It will continue to work with stakeholders and partners such the Caribbean Electric Utility
               Services Corporation (CARILEC), the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), the European Union Caribbean
               Investment Facility (EU-CIF), and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to build capacity, bring solutions
               and encourage regional cooperation on the dynamic energy space of the Eastern Caribbean. Our stakeholders
               such as Member States, CARILEC and Utilities are encouraged to collaborate with GEOBUILD to build capacity
               within their organisations as major contributors and participants in geothermal energy development in the
               OECS region.

                                                  ABOUT  THE AUTHOR

                                  Dr. Ernie Stapleton was previously employed as Permanent Secretary within the Nevis
                                  Island  Administration  (NIA)  in  the  Ministry  of  Communications,  Public  Utilities,  Posts,
                                  Physical  Planning  and  Environment,  and  Labour,  2004  to  February  2023.  He  has  been
                                  working as the  Coordinator/Advisor  for the  development  of geothermal energy on the
                                  island of Nevis since 2004 until he ended his public service tenure officially in February
                                  2023. He currently resides in Saint Lucia but is a citizen of the Federation of St. Christopher
                                  (St. Kitts) and Nevis and is the Project Manager for the OECS Geothermal Energy: For
                     Building Capacity, for Utilization, Investment, and Local Development (GEOBUILD) Programme at the OECS
                     Commission since November 2022. He is academically trained in the areas of Economics  and Accounts,
                     Financial Economics, and Divinity Studies. Ernie has been exposed to other training activities in geothermal
                     energy development and sustainable energy over the years while working in the public service.

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