Page 29 - CE JOURNAL FEB 2024 ISSUE 20
P. 29

Participants in drilling Study Tour in Dominica

                   Fourthly, the promotion and development of the capacity of the people of the OECS region will empower
                   them to become knowledge assets, researchers, experts and even owners of the geothermal resources in our
                   islands. This will augur well for the sustainable development of the geothermal sector in the future.

                   GEOBUILD'S IMPACT
                   At the end of the GEOBUILD project we are expecting several results including enhanced institutional and
                   technical capacity for geothermal within the OECS for planning, development, management, and maintenance
                   of geothermal projects; enhanced policy, legislative and regulatory framework for supporting geothermal
                   energy; improved knowledge management and public awareness for geothermal energy; and improved
                   regional coordination and collaboration for geothermal energy in the OECS.

                   The GEOBUILD programme has already started to make strides in building capacity and fostering geothermal
                   energy development in the Eastern Caribbean working and collaborating with both regional and international
                   partners, even whilst the planned consultancies are being prepared.

                   In November 2022 in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the GEOBUILD Programme collaborated with The
                   International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), through the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative, and the Ministry
                   of Urban Development, Energy, Airports, Seaports, Grenadines Affairs and Local Government of St. Vincent
                   and the Grenadines to execute a capacity building training workshop on “Design of Bankable Power Purchas
                   Agreements in Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS).” The goal of the training was to strengthen the
                   capability of policy makers, power utilities and regulators to design and negotiate bankable Power Purchase
                   Agreements (PPAs) towards securing an effective commitment of private capital investment for deployment
                   of renewable energy projects in Caribbean SIDS.

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