Page 28 - CE JOURNAL FEB 2024 ISSUE 20
P. 28

Funding for this programme comes through the Caribbean Development (CDB) with strong support from Inter-
               American Development Bank (IDB) and the European Union – Caribbean Investment Facility (EU-CIF) to the
               tune of US$3.1 million. Under the GeoSmart Initiative, CDB, in collaboration with the IDB and the EU-CIF, has
               established the Sustainable Energy Facility (SEF) Programme for the Eastern Caribbean, and the Geothermal
               Risk Mitigation (GRM) Programme, respectively. Through the IDB/SEF Programme most of the resources for
               geothermal energy development have been mobilised – coming through the IDB (from IDB’s own resources, the
               Clean Technology Fund, the Global Environmental Facility, the Green Climate Fund (GCF), and the Government
               of Italy). Through the EU-CIF/GRM, grant resources have been mobilised for capacity strengthening, technical
               studies, and investment grants for early-stage drilling. These resources target support to geothermal energy
               development in the countries of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia,
               and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, which are the beneficiaries of GEOBUILD.

               A Project Management Unit (PMU) has already been set-up and staffed within the Environmental Sustainable
               Division (ESD) Sustainable Energy Unit at the OECS Commission with a team headed by the Programme
               Director Sustainable Energy, Mrs. Judith Ephraim-Schmidt, which includes the Project Manager, Ernie Stapleton,
               and the Programme Assistant, Sherry Desroses. GEOBUILD will provide governments with critical geothermal
               energy expert technical advice, supporting training of various persons in geoscience and other technical
               areas, supporting geothermal energy project development, and providing public information and awareness
               in relation to geothermal energy development. This will be done through the procurement of six (6) regional
               level technical consultancies in the specialized areas of Public Information and Communications, Regional
               Capacity Advisory, Regional Legal and Transactional Advisory, Regional Environmental and Social Advisory,
               Regional Engineering and Technical Advisory, and Economic Advisory.

               We are well aware that building capacity is important for all areas of development in our Caribbean region.
               There is always a consistent mantra that we lack the necessary capacity to help ourselves in our development
               agendas. In the area of sustainable energy development building capacity is important for several reasons.
               Firstly, it is important in the area of Energy Security. The Eastern Caribbean's heavy reliance on imported fossil
               fuels has left the region vulnerable to global market fluctuations. By developing local geothermal capacity,
               countries in the region can reduce their dependency on these imported resources and enhance their energy
               security. Geothermal energy is a dependable source of electricity that can provide firm or baseload capacity
               and hence bring stability to the grid.

               Furthermore, in-keeping with the thrust towards Sustainable and Clean Energy, Geothermal energy is a
               renewable energy source that generates power without harmful emissions. This aligns perfectly with the
               growing global concern about climate change. By expanding geothermal capacity, the OECS countries can
               significantly reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to the global effort to combat climate change.

               Secondly, building capacity is integral in the area of economic development. Developing a geothermal energy
               sector has the potential to create numerous economic opportunities. It is transformational and can be the
               plank to diversify the economies of the OECS. GEOBUILD's emphasis on capacity building not only means
               training a skilled workforce but also involves providing exposure to the development of related industries or
               other uses. For example, geothermal plants require infrastructure development, drilling services, and support
               from various other sectors, thus stimulating economic growth and new green jobs. Geothermal energy can be
               linked to the agricultural sector, tourism sector, green hydrogen and energy storage development, ammonia
               production, and even the emerging marijuana or cannabis industry, to name a few.

               A third point to note is that the development of geothermal energy can result in reduced energy costs.
               Geothermal energy is cost-effective in the long run, offering lower and predictable electricity costs compared
               to fossil fuels. This can significantly benefit residents and businesses in the Eastern Caribbean, reducing energy
               bills and promoting economic well-being.

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