Page 40 - CE JOURNAL FEB 2024 ISSUE 20
P. 40

The CARILEC Line workers Rodeo held in April 2023 in St. Lucia marked the fifth year of the event but the first
               since the Covid-19 Pandemic halted all face-to-face activities. The Line Workers Rodeo executed under the
               theme, “Championing Caribbean Line workers for a Resilient Energy Future” stood as a pivotal event in the
               calendar of Caribbean Electric Utilities. This annual competition served not only as a showcase of extraordinary
               skills but also as an indispensable platform for line workers to practice and emphasize the vital importance
               of safety. Beyond the thrill of competition and the spirit of camaraderie, the event underscored the critical
               significance of safety procedures, offering a unique opportunity for line workers to hone their safety practices
               while fostering a commitment to disaster restoration support in the Caribbean.

               The Line Workers Rodeo held great significance for The CARILEC Disaster Assistance Programme (CDAP),
               as it placed a strong emphasis on safety, learning, and disaster restoration support for Caribbean Utilities.
               Seventeen teams representing thirteen Electric Utility Companies from across the Caribbean region competed
               in various challenging tasks and scenarios, simulating real-world situations they might encounter during
               disaster restoration efforts. The following summaries explain the simulated situations accordingly.

               SAFETY EMPHASIS
               One of the primary focal points of the Rodeo was an unwavering commitment to safety. This included a
               spotlight on the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE) and rigorous equipment inspections,
               adhering to the correct and safe procedures all geared towards mitigating electrical and physical hazards. One
               Rodeo participant in his comment illustrated how the safety emphasis at the Rodeo made a difference to his
               practice. He stated, “the Rodeo really helped me bolster safety awareness skills when following procedures
               for carrying out a task”.

               The event actively promoted the idea of resource sharing, stockpiling essential materials, and fostering
               community  engagement.  These  efforts  were  aimed  at  enhancing  disaster  response  capabilities  and
               strengthening the vital connection between electric utilities and the communities they serve.

               The Rodeo was structured to maximize learning, with an emphasis on teamwork and safety practices. Line
               workers were actively encouraged to continually refine their skills, all while keeping safety as their top priority.
               “This was my first Rodeo, and I learnt a lot from my colleagues from the other islands; it’s amazing to see
               how the same job can be done differently with technology. Techniques such as eye splice and block stringing
               were a welcoming demonstration”.

               A diverse range of competitions took center stage at the Rodeo, covering activities like pole climbing, fuse cut-
               out, earth installation, hurt man rescue, 3-phase earth installation and HT Fuse cut out.  These competitions
               served as rigorous tests, refining the specific skills that are essential for disaster restoration.

               Safety was the linchpin of the CARILEC Line workers Rodeo in 2023. Line workers, often performing tasks in
               high-risk environments, were reminded of the paramount importance of adhering to strict safety procedures.
               The event incorporated the following measures:

               •  Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Line workers were required to wear a full set of PPEs, including
                 helmets, gloves, and safety harnesses, as a fundamental defense against potential electrical and physical

               •  Equipment Inspection: Before every competition, meticulous inspection of tools and equipment was carried

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