Page 42 - CE JOURNAL FEB 2024 ISSUE 20
P. 42

               Line workers displayed their agility and dexterity in ascending utility poles, highlighting the importance of
               mastering pole climbing techniques in their line of work.

               In disaster restoration, utility workers often need to inspect and repair electrical infrastructure located on utility
               poles. This includes fixing damaged power lines, replacing transformers, or performing maintenance. Speed
               climbing of poles allows workers to access these elevated locations efficiently. Speed climbing techniques
               enable them to reach the necessary equipment quickly, assess the damage, and make necessary repairs. This
               speed is crucial in disaster scenarios where a rapid response is required to restore power to affected areas.

               HURTMAN RESCUE
               Overall, hurt man rescue skills are an integral part of line worker training, particularly in the field of electrical
               utility work, and they play a crucial role in disaster restoration efforts. They help protect workers, maintain the
               continuity of restoration work, and ensure that emergency situations are handled promptly and effectively
               to minimize disruptions, restore essential services to impacted communities and save lives. One participant
               shared the following comment on this event and its impact on his work “the knowledge and experience
               I have harvested has improved my alertness, response time and skillset. In real life scenarios or disaster
               restoration for example where we respond under pressure,  I can perform this operation with ease because
               of my exposure in this event”.

               Line workers were expected to climb the pole and skillfully open the fuse, take down carrier, replace link in
               carrier and close using work safety practice.

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