Page 41 - CE JOURNAL FEB 2024 ISSUE 20
P. 41

The Line Workers Rodeo held great significance for The CARILEC Disaster
                                Assistance Programme (CDAP), as it placed a strong emphasis on
                             safety, learning, and disaster restoration support for Caribbean Utilities.
                              Seventeen teams representing thirteen Electric Utility Companies from
                             across the Caribbean region competed in various challenging tasks and
                             scenarios, simulating real-world situations they might encounter during
                                                     disaster restoration efforts

                     out to ensure that they were in impeccable working order. This practice underscored the significance of
                     equipment maintenance in mitigating accidents.

                   Disaster Preparation was one of the pillars upon which the Line workers Rodeo was designed. The CARILEC
                   Line workers Rodeo was not just about showcasing skills; it also served as a beacon of preparedness for
                   disasters. Initiatives under this subheading included:

                   •  Resource Sharing and Stockpiling: The competition encouraged electric utilities to share resources and
                     expertise, as well as maintain stockpiles of essential materials and equipment. These measures aimed to
                     expedite recovery during disasters and emergencies.

                   •  Community Engagement and Support: The Rodeo reinforced the connection between electric utilities and the
                     communities they serve. It encouraged community outreach, building a stronger bond between line workers
                     and the public, fostering mutual support during times of crisis.

                   The Game Rules also contributed to fostering best practices as these were designed to maximize learning
                   opportunities for the participants. The game rules included:

                   •  Emphasis on Teamwork: Many events were structured to encourage teamwork, highlighting the importance
                     of clear communication and collaboration. Effective teamwork was demonstrated to be a key factor in
                     ensuring the safety and success of line workers at the Rodeo as much as during routine work or disaster
                     restoration activities. A participant reinforced the importance of teamwork at the Rodeo in the following
                     statement “being graded as a team and not individually, helped enforce the right attitude, behaviour and

                   •  Judicious Scoring: The scoring system promoted an equitable evaluation of participants, focusing on safety
                     practices, speed, and precision. This encouraged line workers to constantly strive for improvement and
                     maintain safety as their top priority. In Hurtman rescue for example, a 10-point deduction was applied for
                     dropping the mannequin too hard to the ground and a 10-point deduction was applied for cutting the belt
                     in the wrong place. Timing in Hurtman rescue is central to saving the life of the line worker in a real rescue
                     ituation, as such, exceeding 4 minutes to complete the event resulted in a 10-point penalty.

                   EVENT COMPETITIONS
                   The CARILEC Line workers Rodeo featured several challenging competitions, each designed to hone specific
                   line worker skills of the seventeen teams that signed up for the event. These competitions included:

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