Page 63 - CE JOURNAL FEB 2024 ISSUE 20
P. 63

•  Projects should consider the technical design, project planning, implementation, sustainable management,
                     maintenance, and monitoring by adopting an intensive multi-stakeholder approach and an end-user co-
                     innovation and co-management perspective.
                   •  Ownership and responsibility of the projects must be well established and personnel responsible for areas
                     such as maintenance and management firmly identified.
                   •  The dissemination of RE technologies should be done in the most sustainable way utilizing local resources
                     as much as possible and include a transparent awarding process with the most competent implementing
                     partners who can support the building of strong communities and efficient communication.
                   •  Further technical innovation and cost reduction should be considered to make remote electricity projects

                   Based on the areas highlighted above the remote electricity services (RES) model is proposed.

                   The remote electricity services model referred to as the RES is presented in Figure 1. The RES model integrates
                   the trifecta – the utility, the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and the remote essential electricity
                   services by the residents. Each of these components are characteristically disparate but are the key ingredients
                   to deliver a sustainable, remote, electricity services system. The remote essential electricity services stipulate
                   the demand (the service required). The electric utility helps the residents to establish the demand and liaises
                   with the OEMs to design smart devices to satisfy the demand (the service provider). Meanwhile, the OEMs
                   use the conditions and technical constraints to develop a product(s) that will deliver the electricity (the
                   service device). Therefore, these three main components with their phenomenal differences and inherent
                   dependencies play a pivotal role in the success of remote electricity services and would continue to function
                   in that manner throughout the lifetime of the assets. This way of operating is necessary to ensure that there
                   is learning among the participants, enhancement of the process, and continual electricity service provision.
                   The attributes of the 3 main components of the RES and the stakeholder groups collaborating to deliver on
                   this model are discussed in the following sections.

                       Figure 1 The remote electricity services (RES) model depicting the multidimensional characteristics of essential electricity services,
                             utility service and corporate response with OEMs input from the inception design to the end-of-life of the asset.

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