Page 61 - CE JOURNAL FEB 2024 ISSUE 20
P. 61


                     ELECTRICITY SERVICES

                                      (RES) MODEL:

                       A SUSTAINABLE AND CORPORATE

                                   RESPONSIBLE SOLUTION

                                                         By Niebert Blair
                                      Chartered Engineer, Institute of Mechanical Engineers, UK
                   Billions of people will be the beneficiaries of the adequate supply of sustainable energy services in remote
                   regions. Energy solutions in the unserved hinterland areas often adopt a closed system consisting of solar PVs
                   with lighting services and in some instances a small refrigerator. After about 5 to 9 years of operation these
                   systems are inoperable and the service to the community is not replaced. This paper identifies a framework that

                   1 SEforALL: Deep Dive Analysis: Tracking SDG7: The Energy Progress Report 2023, Data 2010 – 2021, (2023).

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