Page 58 - CE JOURNAL FEB 2024 ISSUE 20
P. 58

The feasibility study using optimized models, calculations, simulation, and assumptions based on available
               data could have been improved if there was availability of confirmed data for the assumptions made. In the
               future, additional work can be done using long term site measurements to confirm the NREL satellite data.
               Financial feasibility can also be done on the option of having the system run in conjunction with the grid with
               a 3.5-day autonomy. The project is highly feasible and application to all existing fuel stations would result in
               the equivalent of 111,948 ICE vehicles being able to be removed from the nation’s roads.

                                             Proposed Risk Management for Threats to Design

               At 2015 when the Paris Agreement was signed by Trinidad and Tobago, the CO2 emission from the transport
               sector was 1,700,000 tons (2013 BAU) with agreement for reduction of 30% by 2030. By calculation, the CO2
               emission in 2021 was 2,451,162.79 tons showing an increase to 13.21% in the transport sector. In order to
               meet the commitment of the Paris Agreement, the country presently requires a 48.55% reduction in the
               present level of CO2 emissions. The RE off grid proposal for all fuel stations has a potential of reducing the
               CO2 emissions in Trinidad and Tobago by 5.77% of the present level, which is at 13.21%, when calculated. The
               SC-CO2 for the Milford-24 fuel station is in excess of TTD$1.5M which indicates that the project has a high
               socio-economic benefit to reducing the effect of climate change.

               Simulation models developed in Matlab Simulink were also verified as realistic by comparing to the calculated
               and GSA 2.6 online simulations. The hybrid models developed for Matlab Simulink, Economic Analysis,
               Grid Impact Analysis, CO2 Emission and Per Capita trending can be further developed for worldwide use.
               Calculations indicated that Trinidad and Tobago will require approximately 709 similar investments to have
               adequate off-grid charging stations, that can replace all 620,000 ICE equivalent vehicles.

               The existing Milford-24 fuel station, if paying non-subsidized electricity bill costs, will have to pay a minimum
               monthly bill of TTD$107,083.45. The Simple Payback period at non-subsidized rates would have been 2.65 years
               and is comparable within range of all past literature reviewed. The most recent study done by researchers
               at the German Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE in June 2021 stated that the LCOE of a
               hybrid PV-Battery system for Large Rooftop ranged from 5.24 to 19.72 Euro cents/kWh, which is equivalent
               to TTD$0.40 to TTD$1.51.

               In Trinidad and Tobago, the national grid is highly subsidized by the government as mentioned in our literature
               review. The actual cost of generation is TTD$0.4012/kWh (subsidized) and will be TTD$0.6119/kWh, if non-
               subsidized. The LCOE of the grid will be TTD$0.06119, if there is need to make a comparison. The LCOE for PV

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