Page 7 - CE JOURNAL FEB 2024 ISSUE 20
P. 7

With respect to new energy services, the concept of the “SMART Home” is
                         essential for our sustainable future, and the challenge in the regional context,
                         is to make it the norm and not the exception. The new line of businesses that
                         can emerge from this infrastructure is revolutionary and aligns well with the
                         aspirations of the Gen Z population that are positioning themselves with the
                                                 technology to shape our future

                   of businesses that can emerge from this infrastructure is revolutionary and aligns well with the aspirations
                   of the Gen Z population that are positioning themselves with the technology to shape our future. The article
                   in this issue of the Journal presents one such business model, examining the role of an aggregator. The
                   aggregator provides a platform where subscribers can opt in and make their self-generation and storage
                   systems become part of a Virtual Power Plant. This Virtual Power Plant would be made available to the grid
                   operator in the management and the balance of the power on the island and respond to unified commands
                   and response from the subscribers.

                   Another key aspect that will continue to form a significant part of the grid of the future are Self-Generators, as
                   they provide a means of energy security, resilience, cost savings and overall reduction on emissions. An influx
                   of the amount of PV system installations that are interconnected to the Utility Grid without approval from the
                   Government or Utility can expose the utility to various safety, operation al and planning risks. It is therefore
                   critical that a system is in place to provide a monitoring solution so that these issues can be adequately
                   addressed, leading to regularizing connections and ensuring compliance with the existing regulations.

                   The establishment of new energy services is also addressed from the perspective of feasibility study and design
                   of renewable energy off-grid electric-vehicle charging stations for Trinidad & Tobago (T&T). The main
                   intention of the study is to analyze the use of hybrid off grid Renewable Energy (RE) sources optimized with
                   a combination of Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), Hydrogen Electrolyser with Hydrogen storage and
                   Fuel Cells to power EV charging stations. An optimized feasibility model was developed which incorporated
                   market research, technical assessment with Matlab Simulink, economic assessment, grid impact assessment,
                   emission assessment, hybrid risk analysis and cost benefit analysis. Verified local data was also analyzed using
                   the models developed in format consistent with global RE benchmarking standards. The case-study model,
                   if adopted at key commercial locations, can be financially viable and have a notable impact on the reduction
                   of CO2 emissions and assist in (T&T) meeting its global emission reduction commitments.

                   The articles in this Issue of the Industry Journal truly reflect, from various perspectives, our vision of “working
                   together to realize a sustainable energy future for people of the Caribbean” through the implementation of
                   our mission of “empowering our members to achieve more, by facilitating access to business solutions and
                   knowledge sharing opportunities and mutual assistance”.

                   The  CARILEC  Secretariat  would  like  to  thank  all  members  and  cooperation  partners  who  have  made
                   contributions to the fulfilment of our mandate in 2023, by actively engaging in group discussions and forums
                   and sharing their valuable experiences, data, and information to make the various platforms and events
                   significantly valuable.

                   We hope that you will enjoy this issue of the CARILEC Electric Industry Journal, and we thank you profoundly for
                   your support and sustained interest in the work of the Association. We welcome your insights into how we can
                   further enhance our role in developing sustainable energy solutions for the people of the Caribbean region.

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