Page 8 - CE JOURNAL FEB 2024 ISSUE 20
P. 8


               MONITORING OF


                        By Antonio Johnson, Network Planning Engineer, Jamaica Public Service Co. Ltd

               Plugging into the sun has never been as easy as it is today.
               People across the Caribbean have been using the resource that
               we all have in abundance to generate power for their own use. In
               fact, estimates are that there is around 1.2GW of installed Solar
               PV capacity according to the International Renewable Energy
               Agency (IRENA). A Self-Generator is a term not-so-often used
               to describe people who generate power for their own use. The
               energy source Self-Generators would frequently be found using
               is Solar PV, however it is not limited to this, as Wind and other
               alternative or renewable sources can be used. These people
               may or may not necessarily export or sell power back to the
               Utility Grid.

               Jamaica is one such country that has been leading the charge in
               using Renewable Energy. The Government of Jamaica, through
               the Ministry of Science, Energy, Technology and Transport, in
               2012 had implemented a 20% renewable energy target. To aid
               in facilitating this target, the Government created a Net Billing
               Program,  which  allowed  its  participants  to  generate  their
               own power and sell the excess to the Grid. The program was
               launched as a 2-year pilot program, hoping that by the end of
               this period a total of 12.8MW, representing 2% of a 640MW peak
               at the time, would be installed. This however did not turn out
               as planned, even after extending the program by 1 year due to
               low participation. In fact, by 2015 only 1.4MW of capacity was
               installed. A review of the Net Billing Program was done, which
               highlighted shortcomings as well as various recommendations
               on how to move forward.

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