Page 28 - CARILEC Tariff Report Dec 2023
P. 28

Table 17: Type of electricity purchased from IPPs

                                              Type of electricity purchased from IPPs
                                          Utility        None      Fossil fuel    RE
                                          APUA                         √
                                      Aqualectra NV                                √
                                           BEL                         √           √
                                         BELCO                                     √
                                          BLPC                                     √
                                           BPL                         √
                                          BVI EC           √
                                           CUC                                     √
                                        DOMLEC                                     √
                                        Fortis TCI         √
                                          GBPC             √
                                           GPL                         √
                                        GRENLEC            √
                                           JPS                         √           √
                                        LUCELEC            √
                                       LUMA Energy                     √           √
                                         NEVLEC                                    √
                                         NV EBS                        √           √
                                          RECO             √
                                         SABA EC           √
                                         SKELEC            √
                                         T&TEC                         √
                                         VINLEC                                    √
                                         VIWAPA                                    √

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