Page 24 - CARILEC Tariff Report Dec 2023
P. 24

Table 13: Type of Mechanism for small-scale (distributed) RE-Generation in Place

                          Type of mechanism for Small Scale (Distributed) RE   Capacity Threshold in kW
                                       Generation in Place
                                                Net     Net            Residential
                             Utility   None                   Other                  Commercial Band
                                              Metering  Billing          Band
                             APUA                        √               50.00            50.00
                          Aqualectra NV                  √               10.00            1000.00
                              BEL        √                                N/A              N/A
                            BELCO                        √               500.00           500.00
                             BLPC                        √              10000.00         10000.00
                              BPL                        √               100.00           100.00
                            BVI EC                       √               50.00            500.00
                             CUC                                       10 or 250        10 or 250 48
                           DOMLEC                               √        150.00           150.00
                           Fortis TCI                    √               10.00            500.00
                             GBPC                               √                   *
                              GPL                        √               250.00           250.00
                           GRENLEC                              √       120%              60% 50
                              JPS                        √               10.00            100.00
                           LUCELEC               √                        5.00            25.00
                          LUMA Energy            √                       25.00           5,000.00
                            NEVLEC       √                                N/A              N/A
                            NV EBS                       √                  As per installed capacity
                             RECO        √                                N/A              N/A
                           SABA EC               √                     13.30 kVA      Over 13.30 kVA
                            SKELEC       √                                N/A              N/A
                            STUCO                        √               100.00           700.00
                            T&TEC        √                                N/A              N/A
                            VINLEC                       √                5.00            50.00
                            VIWAPA                       √                N/A              N/A

        48  Customer peak demand or 10kW net billing, 250kW net metering, whichever is smaller
        49  The average monthly consumption is divided by 150. A multiplier of 1.5 times provides the maximum allowed capacity up to
        50  Of average annual consumption

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