Page 26 - CARILEC Electricity Tariff - December 2014
P. 26


                   % of Fuel
                                                   % of Fuel      Fuel
                   cost passed   % of Fuel cost in
   Name of Utility                                cost in Fuel   Surcharge       Fuel Surcharge /Fuel Clause Algorithm
                   through to      Base Rate
                                                  Surcharge    Base Year
                                                                          For every $0.10 increase or decrease in fuel price there is a
       APUA            -               -               -           -         $0.01 increase or decrease in the fuel variation (fuel
   AQUALECTRA         100             0              N/A          N/A                             -
                                                                             FCn = Total_Fuel_Cost(n-2)  ÷ Total Units Billed(n)

        BEC           100             0              100          N/A              Where: FCn = Fuel Charge for Current Month;
                                                                             Total_Fuel_Cost(n-2) = Total Fuel Cost for two months previous.
                                                                              Total_Units_Billed(n) = Total Units Billed for Current Month
        BEL           100            N/A             N/A          N/A                           N/A
                                                                            Fuel Cost Net of $30 per bbl ÷  kWh sold ÷  discount
      BELCO           100             23              77          2014
                                                                            Fuel Clause Adjustment for Current Month= (Previous
                                                                          Mth Cost of Fuel + Previous Mth Cost of Purchased Power
       BLPC           100             0              100           -        + (or -) net amount under-recovered or over-recovered
                                                                           brought forward from the previous mth) ÷ Previous Mth
                                                                                              kWh sales
                                                                             (Avg. price per gallon less $0.8150) x Specific Fuel
       BVIEC           72              -              72           -
                                                                                          Consumption (SFC)
       CUC            100             0              100        monthly          Fuel Cost÷ kWh sold (Two months Prior)
   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31