Page 27 - CARILEC Electricity Tariff - December 2014
P. 27

% of Fuel
                                                   % of Fuel      Fuel
                   cost passed   % of Fuel cost in
   Name of Utility                                cost in Fuel   Surcharge       Fuel Surcharge /Fuel Clause Algorithm
                   through to      Base Rate
                                                  Surcharge    Base Year
                                                                            Fuel Surcharge for next mth = “Avg price of fuel in the
                                                                            Current Month  less ( 2.5% to be absorbed by the utility
                                                                           plus EC$1.4066 included in the base tariff) X the number
     DOMLEC           97.5             -             97.5          -
                                                                           of glns of fuel used in the current mth, ÷  the energy sold
                                                                                        (kwh) in the Current Mth

                                                                           Varies for islands served: If the cost per gl of fuel is > or
                                                                           < : $0.90 per gallon for FTCI; $0.80 per gallon for South
                                                                          Caicos; $1.00 per gallon for Grand Turk  the rate per KWh
                                                                           charged to customers shall subsequently be increased or
      FORTIS          83.1            0              100          1998      decreased by $0.0008 for each $0.01 of the amount by
                                                                           which the cost per gallon exceeds or is less than the $0.90
                                                                           per gallon (FTCI);  $0.80 per gallon (South Caicos); and
                                                                              the $1.00 per gallon for Grand Turk respectively.

       GBPC           100              -               -           -                              -
     GRENLEC          100              -               -           -                              -
                   pass through
                                                                           Pass through cost ÷ energy sales for month x fuel weights
       JPSCO        cost÷ fuel        0              100          2014
                      cost                                                             applicable to each rate class.
                       -               -               -           -                              -
     LUCELEC                                                                Fuel Consumed x(Fuel cost per gal –Base Fuel cost per
                      100              -               -          2013
                                                                                             gal)÷ Sales
       MUL                                                                     Fuel Surcharge = Gallons Used x Excess Price
                      100              -             100          2000
     NVGEBE           100             0                -           -                              -
      SKELEC           -               -               -           -                              -
       TTEC            90                              -           -                              -
      VIWAPA          100             0              100           -                   Total Fuel Cost/Kwh Sold

                   AQUALECTRA-100%  of  Fuel  cost  passed  through  to  customer  (Retroactive  on  monthly  bases  and  based  on  calculation  of  the
                   BEC- Fuel charge not surcharge used.  Full cost of fuel and associated cost passed to customers as Fuel Charge.  There is no fuel
                   component in the base rate.

                   BEL -All fuel costs related to Cost of Power is passed through to the customers.

                   JPSCO- Pass through cost = fuel cost X (Heat Rate target/Heat rate actual) x [(1-system Losses actual)/(1- system losses target)].
                   Therefore, % of Fuel cost passed through to customer = pass through cost/fuel cost.  (where: Fuel cost represents the applicable
                   sums of JPS and IPP fuel costs;  Heat Rate Target represents system heat rate determined by OUR; Heat Rate Actual  represents the
                   monthly average heat rate for the entire generation system; Losses Target represents system losses target determined by OUR; and
                   Losses Actual represents the recorded system energy losses including technical and non- technical losses expressed as a percentage
                   of system net generation at the end of each month

                   1. FTCI:  If the cost per gallon of fuel imported by the public supplier for the purpose of generating electricity is more than or less
                   than $0.90 per gallon, the rate per KWH charged to customers shall subsequently be increased or decreased by $0.0008 for each
                   $0.01 of the amount by which the cost per gallon exceeds or is less than the $0.90 per gallon.
                   2. South Caicos:  If the cost per gallon of fuel imported by the public supplier for the purpose of generating electricity is more than or
                   less than $0.80 per gallon, the rate per KWH charged to customers shall subsequently be increased or decreased by $0.0008 for each
                   $0.01 of the amount by which the cost per gallon exceeds or is less than the $0.80 per gallon.
                   3. Grand Turk:  If the cost per gallon of fuel imported by the public supplier for the purpose of generating electricity is more than or
                   less than $1.00 per gallon, the rate per KWH charged to customers shall subsequently be increased or decreased by $0.0008 for each
                   $0.01 of the amount by which the cost per gallon exceeds or is less than the $1.00 per gallon.

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