Page 7 - CARILEC Electricity Tariff - September 2016
P. 7

ENERGY SALES                                         ENERGY DEMAND
                        Energy Sales (US$) /Class of Customer                 Energy Demand (MWh)/Class of Customer
                                                    Other (Street                                          Other (Street
          Name of Utility  Residential  Commercial  Industrial  Name of Utility  Residential  Commercial  Industrial
                                                    lighting, etc)                                         lighting, etc)
            LUCELEC  3,357,021.00  5,972,957.00  571,782.00  324,404.00  LUCELEC  10,814.00  16,910.00  1,623.00  908.00
             BEL     3,400,249.74  4,744,000.27  509,669.56  465,164.69  BEL  18,526.58  24,878.66  2,811.85  2,215.07
            BVIEC    1,522,324.29  2,513,824.96  159,544.03  103,371.66  BVIEC  5,459,482.00  9,998,875.00  675,902.00  321,910.00
            GRENLEC  1,912,863.46  2,849,310.66  109,912.20  103,052.44  GRENLEC  6,946.10  9,893.47  468.33  473.38
           Aqualectra  7,994,000.00  4,493,000.00  4,858,000.00  157,000.00  Aqualectra  26,400.00  13,700.00  21,320.00  620.00
           FortisTCI   1,767,000.00  2,908,000.00  154,000.00  107,000.00  FortisTCI   6,734.00  11,401.00  802.00  318.00
            VIWAPA   6,096,750.00  3,002,186.00  7,527,425.00  52,452.00  VIWAPA  20,066.00  9,115.00  25,395.00  120.00
            ANGLEC   676,552.84  1,257,680.14  4,074.65  38,240.78  ANGLEC   2,203.00  4,249.00   12.00      11.00
            JPSCO   24,977,232.13  27,879,241.34  9,673,061.82  1,834,036.17       JPSCO  93,549.00  119,427.00  49,333.00  5,956.00

                                                                              Electricity Tariff Rates (US $/kWh) for IPPs
          Average Electricity Tariff Rate (US Cents/kWh) for Small Scale (Distributed) RE Generators?
                    Residential Band           Residential Band  Commercial Band  Commercial Band   Name of Utility  Natural Gas  Solar  Wind  Hydro  Bagasse
         Name of Utility                                                    HFO
                      < 10kW     >10kW     <100kW     >100kW
           LUCELEC     n/a        n/a       n/a        n/a        LUCELEC   n/a    n/a    n/a    n/a    n/a    n/a
                                                                    BEL     0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
             BEL       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00
                                                                   BVIEC    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
            BVIEC      0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00
                                                                  GRENLEC   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
           GRENLEC     0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00
           Aqualectra  18.00     18.00      18.00     18.00      Aqualectra  0.07  N.A.   0.18   0.12   N.A.   N.A.
           FortisTCI   0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       FortisTCI   0.00  0.00  0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
           VIWAPA      0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       VIWAPA    0.00   0.00   0.17   0.00   0.00   0.00
           ANGLEC      0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       ANGLEC    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
            JPSCO      13.00      0.00      13.00      0.00        JPSCO    0.08   0.00   0.19   0.12   0.00   0.00
                  ELECTRICITY TARIFF SUBSIDY                                CUSTOMER COMPOSITION
                                                                Residential   Commercial   Industrial
             Name of Utility  Existence of Tariff Subsidy  Name Of Utility                       Others (%)   Total (%)
                                                                Consumer (%)   Consumer (%)   Consumer (%)
               LUCELEC                Yes              LUCELEC     89         11         0         0         100
                 BEL                  Yes               BEL        80         20         0         0         100
                BVIEC                 No               BVIEC       86         14         0         0         100
               GRENLEC                No               GRENLEC     86         12         1         1         100
              Aqualectra              No              Aqualectra   90         9          1         0         100
               FortisTCI              No              FortisTCI    85         15         0         0         100
               VIWAPA                 No               VIWAPA      82         15         2         1         100
                ANGLEC                No               ANGLEC      85         13         1         1         100
                JPSCO                 Yes              JPSCO       89         11         0         0         100
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